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Establishing an Adult Literacy Program

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing an Adult Literacy Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing an Adult Literacy Program

2 How do you find professional and/or volunteer staff?
Determine what characteristics you want in staff members Create a hiring process that will attract and identify applicants with those characteristics

3 How do you find professional and/or volunteer staff? (cont.)
Use: Advertising Community announcements, postings, and newsletters Community presentations Referrals Internet sites Word of mouth 3

4 How do you find space? Take into account:
The physical character of the space Learner comfort Should space be rented, donated, or shared? 4

5 How do you recruit students?
Recruit in ways potential students are likely to notice: Print advertising Radio, TV and other forms of announcements Make it easy to contact you 5

6 How do you recruit students? (cont.)
Recruit where potential students are likely to be: Media advertising Community advertising and recruiting Referrals Word of mouth 6

7 How do you connect with the community?
Make contacts in the community: Health and human service agencies Area employers Local government Other community leaders and members Inform the community through presentations and literature Be a joiner and a volunteer Develop a community Board of Directors or Advisory Board 7

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