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PE Leadership Application Process

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1 PE Leadership Application Process
Part I Complete and submit Google Information Form before February 16th. The form is located on the PE Leadership Information Page on Ms. Levin’s Website Go to the LZ95 Home Page, scroll over District 95 icon, click on Staff Directory, and type in Levin. Click on my website and navigate to the PE Leadership Information Page

2 PE Leadership Application Process
Part I Continued… Personally (face-to-face) contact your recommending teacher/coach/sponsor and ask if they will fill out a recommendation form. Applicants will need 4 recommendations total. One must be from a PE teacher. Fill out top portion and print (2 sided) recommendation forms. Personally deliver forms to your recommending teacher/coach/sponsor before Friday, February 3rd. Forms are located on the PE Leadership Information Page on Ms. Levin’s Website

3 PE Leadership Application Process
Part I Continued… Complete and turn in the first information page to your guidance counselor for signature and approval of course, grade and GPA information before Monday, February 6th. Complete and staple all application information together and turn in to the PE office by no later than Thursday, February 16th at 1:20 pm. Don’t forget to staple a RECENT, recognizable photo to the top page of your application

4 PE Leadership Application Process
Part II (Try-out) ‘Save the date’ for the two day try-out. Applicants must make arrangements to attend a minimum of one of the two dates to be considered. Tryout dates: February, 22nd and 23rd Tryout times: 7:00 am – 7:45 am Tryout location: Main Gym Applicants will be notified if they have made it to Part II (tryout) via school on or before February 21st

5 PE Leadership Application Process
Part III (Interview) Interview date is TBA All applicants making the final round of the process (the interview) will be notified via school . **Don’t forget to personally thank your teachers/sponsors/coaches for their recommendations

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