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Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

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1 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Contain at least one double or triple bond between carbon atoms.

2 Alkenes and alkynes Alkenes have at least one double bond. (CnH2n)
Alkynes have at least one triple bond. (CnH2n-2)

3 Procedure for Naming Alkenes and Alkynes
Identify and name the longest continuous chain with the maximum number of double or triple bonds. Indicate the presence of a double bond with prefix-ene and a triple bond with –yne. Number the carbon chain so as to give the lowest number to double or triple, (Double bonds take priority over triple bonds if there is a choice.) then groups named by prefixes (alkyl groups, halides)Complete suffix by identifying the location of double or triple bonds.

4 Common Names Alkenes are referred to as “alkylene”.
Ethylene  vinyl (CH2=CH-) Propylene  allyl (CH2=CH-CH2-) Acetylene  simplest alkyne

5 Isomerisms in Alkenes and Alkynes
Geometric Isomers:cis and trans isomers; a type of stereoisomerism in which atoms or groups display orientation differences around a double bond. Cis-trans must have two different groups attacked. Trans is more stable.

6 Cycloalkanes Same as alkanes but joined into a ring.
Conformations are not isomers because they result from twisting around a bond. Boat vs chair Cycloalkenes are rings with double bonds.

7 Aromatics Benzene is the basic aromatic. (C6H6)
They contain one or more benzene rings. Name comes from the Greek aroma. Rather strong often pleasant odor. Ring in a plane. The alternating double bonds are really 6 equivalent bonds. Longer than a double bond but shorter than a single bond.


9 Common Aromatics Toluene = methylbenzene

10 xylene Xylene is dimethyl benzene. Prefixes tell you where the groups are located. Ortho – group adjacent to each other. O-xylene

11 Meta - one carbon between groups.

12 Para- groups are opposite each other
Para- groups are opposite each other. This means there are two carbons between the groups.

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