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By Lacey Chavez Comments and Future Considerations:

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Presentation on theme: "By Lacey Chavez Comments and Future Considerations:"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Lacey Chavez Comments and Future Considerations:

2 Comments and Future Considerations:
Zack and I are at the zoo. We are going to see all the animals. We are going to see what they are doing.

3 Zack and I see a numbat. We can see it running on a log.
Comments and Future Considerations: Zack and I see a numbat. We can see it running on a log.

4 Zack and I see a sloth. We can see it sleeping in a tree.
Comments and Future Considerations: Zack and I see a sloth. We can see it sleeping in a tree.

5 Zack and I see a bat. We can see it hanging from a branch.

6 Zack and I see a wombat. We can see it looking at us.

7 Zack and I see a fox. We can see it sitting on a log.

8 Zack and I like going to the zoo
Zack and I like going to the zoo. We like seeing what all the animals are doing.

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