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Presentation on theme: "UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

how the very tiny, invisible world is put together as elements Ch. 4, 5, 6 NAME DATE Chem I - Unit Organizer #2 BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Is about... UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 Atoms & the Periodic Table How We Study Matter Chemical Bonding Fundamental Properties of Matter sub-atomic particles the periodic table explained by starting with and organized by 1) In what ways did Thomson’s and Rutherford’s experiments cause Dalton’s atomic theory to be modified? 2) Compare the quantum mechanical model of the atom to older atomic theories. Why is it more difficult to visualize than the other models? 3) Explain how nuclear charge and electron energy shells affect atomic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity, and shielding effect. Element Quiz #1 KU-CRL Element Quiz #2 atomic theories FRAME: Atomic Theories TEST: Ch. 5 Element Quiz #3 TEST: Ch. 4 TEST: Ch. 6  __ 9) READ p PROB p #35-40 __10) READ p. 137 – 145 PROB p # 41-43, 49, 50, 56, 59-61 __11) PROB p # 67, 69, 73, 74, 77-80 __12) READ p PROB p # 1-8 __13) Review p PROB p # 26-31 (continued on bottom of back) Element Block Assignment __1) READ p. 102 – 104 PROB p #1 – 5 p # 35 – 38 __ 2) READ p. 105 – 107 PROB p # 39 – 43 __ 3) READ p. 105 – 109 PROB p # 9 –15 __ 4) READ p. 112 – 115 PROB p # 20, 21; p # 34 a & c p # 47-52 __ 5) PROB p # 59, 60, 68, abc, 76 __ 6) READ p PROB p # 22, 23 p # 24, 25, 31-33 p # 53, 64 __ 7) READ p PROB p # 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 __ 8) ROB p #8, 9 p #10, 11, 14 Element Review QUIZ

2 Atoms & the Periodic Table
NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map Is about... 9 Atoms & the Periodic Table how the very tiny, invisible world is put together as elements Ch. 4, 5, 6 the periodic table atomic theories explained by which are organized in starting with which is divided into based on sub-atomic particles found 18 groups (families) 7 periods Philosophical idea of atom: Democritus: Scientific atom: - Dalton’s AtomicTheory: then changed significantly by: - Bohr - _______________ which was modified by later experiments: Planck - _________________ Thomson - _______________ - deBroglie- ______________ Millikan - ________________ Heisenberg - ____________ Rutherford - ______________ - Schrodinger - ____________ or found and has these trends: which are described by to become __14) READ p __15) PROB p #38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 51-53 PROB p # 9, 10ab, 13, 14, 15, 17 p # 36, __16 A) PROB p # 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, __ B) PROB p # 50, 60-62, 65-67, 69, 74


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