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Feast of Tabernacles Lesson 13.

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1 Feast of Tabernacles Lesson 13

2 Lesson Outline Introduction A. Good Feeling B. Lesson Background

3 Can You Remember? For the past few weeks, we’ve been studying about three special times celebrated by the Israelites. See if you can match the description with either the Passover, the Feast of Weeks, or the Day of Atonement. Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

4 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Involved a censer of burning coals and incense Held seven Sabbaths after a different feast Involved putting blood on doorposts Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

5 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Involved a censer of burning coals and incense A Held seven Sabbaths after a different feast Involved putting blood on doorposts Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

6 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Involved a censer of burning coals and incense A Held seven Sabbaths after a different feast W Involved putting blood on doorposts Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

7 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Involved a censer of burning coals and incense A Held seven Sabbaths after a different feast W Involved putting blood on doorposts P Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

8 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Also known as Pentecost Held during the first month Held during the seventh month Connected with the Feast of Unleavened Bread Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

9 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Also known as Pentecost W Held during the first month Held during the seventh month Connected with the Feast of Unleavened Bread Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

10 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Also known as Pentecost W Held during the first month P Held during the seventh month Connected with the Feast of Unleavened Bread Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

11 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Also known as Pentecost W Held during the first month P Held during the seventh month A Connected with the Feast of Unleavened Bread Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

12 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Also known as Pentecost W Held during the first month P Held during the seventh month A Connected with the Feast of Unleavened Bread P Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

13 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Sacrificed one lamb or goat per household Involved sprinklings of blood by the high priest Held exactly 50 days after another feast Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

14 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Sacrificed one lamb or goat per household P Involved sprinklings of blood by the high priest Held exactly 50 days after another feast Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

15 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Sacrificed one lamb or goat per household P Involved sprinklings of blood by the high priest A Held exactly 50 days after another feast Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

16 Can You Remember? Match these descriptions with either the Passover (P), the Feast of Weeks (W), or the Day of Atonement (A). Sacrificed one lamb or goat per household P Involved sprinklings of blood by the high priest A Held exactly 50 days after another feast W Thinkstock/iStock Thinkstock/iStock

17 Can You Remember? Each of these special times was to help the Israelites to remember their status before God and what He had done for them. Today, we will study the last of these special times, known as the Feast of Tabernacles. Thinkstock/iStock

18 Lesson Outline I. Observance Established (Leviticus 23:33-36) A. Month and Days (vv. 33, 34) B. Rest and Sacrifices (vv. 35, 36)

19 What Do You Think? What improvements can you make regarding your time-off days? Why is it important to do so? 19

20 What Do You Think? What improvements can you make regarding your time-off days? Why is it important to do so? Talking Points for Your Discussion Regarding increased focus on God Regarding the need for rest itself Regarding reexamination of priorities Other 20

21 Pick a Number Using the lesson text, see if you can use up all but three of the numbers provided to complete the description of the Feast of Tabernacles. Thinkstock/iStock

22 Pick a Number The Day of Atonement occurred on the tenth day of the seventh month. The Feast of Tabernacles began __ days later on day __ of that month. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

23 Pick a Number The Day of Atonement occurred on the tenth day of the seventh month. The Feast of Tabernacles began 5 days later on day 15 of that month. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

24 Pick a Number The Day of Atonement occurred on the tenth day of the seventh month. The Feast of Tabernacles began 5 days later on day 15 of that month. The festival began on day ___ with a sacred assembly. The feast would last for ___ days. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

25 Pick a Number The Day of Atonement occurred on the tenth day of the seventh month. The Feast of Tabernacles began 5 days later on day 15 of that month. The festival began on day 1 with a sacred assembly. The feast would last for 7 days. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

26 Lesson Outline II. Special Days Reviewed (Leviticus 23:37, 38) A. Observances and Offerings (v. 37) B. Sabbaths, Vows, and Offerings (v. 38)

27 What Do You Think? Besides Christmas and Easter, what significant regular celebrations or observances does your church maintain? Why are these important? 27

28 What Do You Think? Besides Christmas and Easter, what significant regular celebrations or observances does your church maintain? Why are these important? Talking Points for Your Discussion For new Christians For seekers For spiritually mature Christians 28

29 What Do You Think? What is significant about keeping vows that have been made to and before God? 29

30 What Do You Think? What is significant about keeping vows that have been made to and before God? Talking Points for Your Discussion Concerning marriage vows Concerning oaths of office Concerning financial promises Concerning courtroom oaths or affirmations Other 30

31 Pick a Number According to Numbers 29:13, the burnt offerings for each day included ___ rams and ___ lambs. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

32 Pick a Number According to Numbers 29:13, the burnt offerings for each day included 2 rams and 14 lambs. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

33 Pick a Number According to Numbers 29:13, the burnt offerings for each day included 2 rams and 14 lambs. On days ___ and ___ the Israelites were to observe a sabbath rest, when no work would be done. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

34 Pick a Number According to Numbers 29:13, the burnt offerings for each day included 2 rams and 14 lambs. On days 1 and 8 the Israelites were to observe a sabbath rest, when no work would be done. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

35 Lesson Outline III. Observance Explained (Leviticus 23:39-43) A. Basic Facts Stated (v. 39) B. Tree Branches Collected (v. 40) C. Yearly Observance Mandated (v. 41) D. Booth-living Required (vv. 42, 43)

36 What Do You Think? What causes churches in general and Christians in particular to stop observing special days or milestones they once did? 36

37 What Do You Think? What causes churches in general and Christians in particular to stop observing special days or milestones they once did? Talking Points for Your Discussion Good reasons Poor reasons Concerning Romans 14:5, 6 Concerning Colossians 2:16 37

38 What Do You Think? How can we make better use of tangible objects as aids to worship? 38

39 What Do You Think? How can we make better use of tangible objects as aids to worship? Talking Points for Your Discussion At Christmas At Easter On Palm Sunday During the Lord’s Supper Other 39

40 Pick a Number Branches of trees would be collected on day ___ to be used to build booths or shelters. The people were to live in them for ___ days 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

41 Pick a Number Branches of trees would be collected on day 1 to be used to build booths or shelters. The people were to live in them for 7 days 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 Thinkstock/iStock

42 Pick a Number According to Leviticus 23:43, what was God’s #1 reason for telling Israel to celebrate this feast and live in booths for a week? So future generations would remember that Israel lived in temporary shelters when God delivered them from Egypt. Thinkstock/iStock

43 Pose the caption question to start a discussion on the personal “wilderness experiences” of your learners. Copyright © 2014 by Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved.

44 Lesson Outline Conclusion A. The Blessing of Memory B. Prayer C. Thought to Remember

45 Milestones of Life What are some personal milestones you’ve experienced on your walk of faith? What physical reminders do you have of those events? Do you commemorate these events in any way or share them with others? Have students pair off and discuss the following questions. KentWeakly

46 Remember to remember the things of God.
Thought to Remember Remember to remember the things of God.

47 Next Week’s Lesson Powerful Faith

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