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How to Create a Bangin’ Presentation Without Spending your life on it.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create a Bangin’ Presentation Without Spending your life on it."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create a Bangin’ Presentation Without Spending your life on it.
Presentation Basics Or: How to Create a Bangin’ Presentation Without Spending your life on it.

2 Design Provides the base/background for the presentation. Can set tone and mood as well.

3 Design Provides the base/background for the presentation. Can set tone and mood as well.

4 Transitions Provide seamless movement from one slide to the next, and cohesion within the presentation.

5 Transitions Provide seamless movement from one slide to the next, and cohesion within the presentation.

6 Animations Engage your audience, provide interest and memorability

7 Animations Engage your audience, provide interest and memorability

8 Images A picture is worth a thousand words, and can convey emotion and information as well.

9 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

10 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

11 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

12 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

13 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

14 Links Links to outside resources can enrich your presentation, but don’t use too many.

15 Sound You can add sound for special emphasis, comedic or dramatic effect. However, A little goes a long way. Don’t get crazy.

16 Sound You can add sound for special emphasis, comedic or dramatic effect. However, A little goes a long way. Don’t get crazy.

17 Sound You can add sound for special emphasis, comedic or dramatic effect. However, A little goes a long way. Don’t get crazy.

18 Sound You can add sound for special emphasis, comedic or dramatic effect. However, A little goes a long way. Don’t get crazy.

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