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May 11th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "May 11th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 11th, 2012

2 1st Period Chemistry I Starter: get out calculator and writing utensil; pass back papers Ch. 12 practice quiz Exam review Semester exam: Tuesday – must turn in test packet that day

3 Chem I Semester exam review
7.2 Covalent Bonding Ch. 8 Molecular Shape Ch. 9 Chemical Reactions Reaction Rates Ch. 11 Stoichiometry Ch. 12 Heat in Chemical Reactions (no test given on this one)

4 Chem 1 topics for written portion of final
Write balanced equations. Name covalent compounds. Distinguish types of reactions. Calculate between mass, moles and particles (atoms, molecules or formula units) of a given substance. Use stoichiometry to calculate from mass of one chemical to the mass of another. Calculate limiting reactant. Calculate percent yield. Calculate empirical and molecular formulas. Use Hess’ Law to calculate enthalpy of a reaction. Calculate enthalpy or a reaction using calorimetry. Draw covalent structures, giving names of shapes, bond angles and polarity diagrams.

5 Advanced Physics Starter: turn in hmwk; pg. 755 #14 SMQ
Go over starter Go over hmwk Juniors - read pages ; finish and turn in ant. guide 8.2 Practice problems (5-8) – for a daily in class grade Semester exam: Wednesday- must turn in test packet that day

6 Adv Phy SE review units 6, part III Forces
Ch. 7 Equilibrium and Horizontal Motion Ch. 7 Projectile Motion at an Angle 7.3 Centripetal Motion 8.1 Universal Gravitation (not returned yet) 8.2 Using Universal Gravitation (no exam)

7 Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet; pass back papers SMQ
Semester exam review Semester exam: Tuesday, May 15th -must turn in test packet that day

8 Conceptual Physics SE review
Ch. 8 Energy Circular Motion (Ch. 9) Momentum (Ch. 7) Universal Gravitation (12) Ch. 13 (no test on this one)

9 4th Period Chemistry I Starter: get out calculator and writing utensil; pass back papers Ch. 12 practice quiz Exam review Semester exam: Wednesday - must turn in test packet that day

10 Aspirin lab due dates Date Due Friday, April 27th
Introduction: Chemistry/History with bibliography; attach bulleted list Tuesday, May 1st Purpose and Procedure Thursday, May 3rd Data/Results and Calculations/Sources of Error Tuesday, May 8th Discussion/Conclusions Thursday, May 10th Final draft with checklist completed; attach sheet with post lab calculations

11 AP Chemistry Starter: Continue research for nuclear science project – may do either a research based feature article (see me for rubric) or project board for final project grade Research project due by the end of the day Wednesday

12 Astronomy No class: play

13 Astronomy SE review units
Ch. 28 Life in the Universe Spring Stargazing Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter/Saturn Uranus/Neptune Dwarf Planets (not back yet)

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