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Scheduling information for rising sophomores

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1 Scheduling information for rising sophomores
Social Science and Global Studies Required and Elective Courses

2 Required courses There is required course each year, and each has an AP and an academic option Both academic and AP history courses (10th & 11th grade) include SOLs The main difference between AP and Academics is the amount of required homework and writing for AP classes Grading is more stringent in AP classes, as are late work policies, etc. 9th & 10th graders need to take Economics (semester or AP ) and Financial Literacy (semester) at some point before graduation

3 Rising Sophomores- Required
Either World History II or AP World History Academic WH II covers 1500-present Typical workload is generally less than 30 minutes per night AP World covers all of human history AP World has the heaviest workload of all the social studies courses, requiring 1-3 hours of homework per class, including LOTS of reading and writing

4 You should take AP World History if:
You are taking Pre-AP and have a B or better You are taking World History I and your teacher recommends that you take AP World You are self-disciplined enough to do large quantities of homework on a daily basis You are able to read and digest large quantities of material (This course offers the potential to earn six college credits (1 full year of history) depending on your AP Score and college that you attend)

5 You should take World History II if:
You are in World History I, and are finding the workload and difficulty to be appropriate or You are in Pre-AP World and are finding it difficult and/or overwhelming You are more interested in non-social science fields and are taking a very rigorous load in those subjects

6 Sophomore year electives
Sophomores generally can take one elective You are required to take economics and financial literacy courses to graduate Options include: Taking one semester of economics and oneof financial literacy Taking one semester of financial literacy paired with another semester course (such as Leadership Development, Gourmet Foods or SAT Prep), and a full year AP Economics as a junior or senior

7 Economics Options Option 1: Take a semester of economics and a semester of financial literacy as a sophomore Good if you are not in a 4-year elective sequence (e.g. band or marketing) and want to get the requirement taken care of Option 2: Take AP Economics as a junior or senior Good option if you are applying to more selective schools, as it gives you an AP in lieu of two semester course, and the possibility of six college credits Option 3: Take both semester courses as a junior or senior If you do not have room in your schedule as a sophomore

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