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NECD Implementing provisions now and in the future

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1 NECD Implementing provisions now and in the future
TFEIP & EIONET, 31 October - 2 November 2006, Thessaloniki Eduard Dame DG ENV,Unit C5

2 Existing implementing provisions
Yearly reporting of emissions + projection to 2010 National programmes in 2002 and 2006

3 Existing implementing provisions
Yearly reporting of emissions + projection to 2010 National programmes in 2002 and 2006 No exceedance of national emission ceilings in 2010 and later years

4 Possible non-compliance 2010
SO2 Estonia + 10% France + 24% Netherlands + 34% Underlined countries will have in 2020 a projected emission still higher than the national emisson ceiling for 2010

5 Possible non-compliance 2010
NOx Austria + 63% Belgium + 30% Denmark + 31% France + 43% Germany + 12% Ireland + 52% Italy + 7% Luxemburg + 118% Malta + 100% Netherlands + 11% Slovenia + 13% Spain + 34% Sweden + 17%

6 Possible non-compliance 2010
NH3 Belgium + 18% Denmark + 13% VOC + 51% Ireland + 16% Malta + 100%

7 Emission inventories and projections
EU Member States have to use the methodologies agreed upon by the CLTRAP and are requested to use the EMEP/Corinair Guidebook (Annex III of NECD) EU Member States are requested to draw up a Emission Inventory Report Reporting date of is not respected by all Member States; as a result the EC as a whole reported to the CLTRAP on 5/10/2005, almost 8 month late.

8 National Programmes 2006 Should describe measures (already implemented or to be taken) that will ensure compliance. Should preferably be based on ‘Recommendations’ (as far as possible). Deadline , no delay will be accepted Simultaneous reporting to both the Commission and the EEA is highly recommended by using: Functional mailbox ENV EIONET Central Data Repository

9 Evaluation national programmes
Service contract with 4 tasks: In depth analysis of the national programmes; Analysis of EU-25 – compliance to obligations under the NECD NEC-review report Stakeholder consultation Duration 15 months, but first interim report should be available 15/4/2006 at the latest.

10 Future developments Revision of the EMEP/Corinair Guidebook
Further integration of monitoring and reporting obligations for GHG’s and NEC-substances and HM’s and POP’s. Entry into force 2008/2009? National programmes for 2012 and 2016? Intermediate targets for 2015 and/or targets averaged over more than one year. Fixed or relative ceilings do not make any difference, in case there is a safeguarded correction mechanism for unforeseen sources and unforeseen changes in emission factors (like Euro 3).

11 TFEIP & EIONET, 31 October -2 November 2006, Thessaloniki
END TFEIP & EIONET, 31 October -2 November 2006, Thessaloniki Eduard Dame DG ENV,Unit C5

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