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Introduction to Geoinformatics L-2. Geographic Data Modeling

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1 Introduction to Geoinformatics L-2. Geographic Data Modeling
Dr. György SZABÓ associate professor Budapest University of Technology and Economy Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

2 Contents OVERVIEW Describes the process of data modeling and the various data models that have been used in GIS. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define what geographic data models are and discuss their importance in GIS; Understand how to undertake GIS data modeling; Outline the main geographic models used in GIS today and their strengths and weaknesses; Understand key topology concepts and why topology is useful for data validation, analysis, and editing; Read data model notation; Describe how to model the world and create a useful geographic database. Longley, Goodchild, Maguire, Rhind (2011) : Geographical Information Systems and Science CH – 8. pp

3 The role of a data model in GIS

4 Levels of GIS data model abstraction


6 Different representational models of the same area in Colorado, USA
B aerial photograph (B) vector objects, some digitized from the photograph

7 A photographic image used as a building object attribute in an electric facility system

8 Raster data of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, with associated value attribute table. Bands 4,3,2 from Landsat 5 satellite with land cover classification overlaid (Screenshot courtesy ERDAS Inc.; data courtesy USGS)

9 Shaded digital elevation model of North America used for comparison of image compression techniques
Original image is 8,726 by 10,618 pixels, 8 bits per pixel. The inset shows part of the image at a zoom factor of 1,000 for the San Francisco Bay area

10 Representation of point, line, and polygon objects using the vector data model

11 A topologically structured polygon data layer
The polygons are made up of the polylines shown in the area polyline list. The lines are made up of the coordinates shown in the line coordinate list. (Source: after ESRI 1997)

12 The contiguity of a topologically structured polygon data layer
For each polyline the left and right polygons are stored with the geometry data (Source: after ESRI 1997)

13 An example of a georelational polygon dataset
Each of the polygons is linked to a row in an RDBMS table. The table has multiple attributes, one in each column. (Source: after ESRI 1997)

14 An example of a street network

15 TIN surface of Death Valley, California
“wireframe” showing all triangles (B) shaded by elevation (C) draped with satellite image

16 The topology of a TIN (Source: after Zeiler 1999)

17 Examples of applications that use the TIN data model
Landslide risk map for Pisa, Italy (Courtesy of Earth Science Department, University of Siena, Italy) (B) Yangtse River, China (Courtesy of Human Settlements Research Center, Tsinghua University, China)

18 Example of split and merge rules for parcel objects
(B) merge (Source: after MacDonald 1999)

19 Water distribution system water-facility object types and geographic relationships

20 Water distribution system network

21 A water-facility object model

22 An example of a CASE tool (Microsoft Visio) The UML model is for a utility water system

23 The modeling process The Modeling procedure:
Concept and procedures to translate real world observations into data that are meaningful in GIS The Modeling procedure: Phenomenon: -          properties -          connections Entity: -          type -          attributes -          relationship Object: -          geometry -          quality Symbol: -          Graphic -          Maps -          Reports -          Text Physical reality Real world model Data model Database Presentation

24 Specification of the system data model
1. Object hierarchy, object catalog specification -         Object groups- sub groups- objects -         Object type, object name, object definition 2. Geometry, attributes, graphic specification

25 Entity hierarchy Object Super Class Object Sub Class-1
Hidrology Boundary Trafic Vegetation Object Super Class Object Sub Class-1 Object Sub Class-n Object Set 6000 7000 8000 9000 Aerial Terestrial Vater 7210 7220 7230 Highway Mani road 7200 Secondary r. Unpaved road 7240 Gov. Municipal Private 7221 7222 7223

26 Object properties Obj. Attributes Geometry vector raster Metr. Top.
Doc. Fact

27 Object Catalog Table Object Name -Feature Class Object Hierarchy
Geometry Legend Attributes Req. Geom. accuracy Main_line W_net L ID, material, diameter, pressure, build_date, soil, … Sec_line ID, material, diameter, pressure, user_name Fireplug P ID, diamater1, diameter2, pressure Parcel User A ID, parc_id, owner, adress, consumption Block ID, Block_name, unit_price Public_area Municipal ID, Street_name Error Event ID, Name, Err_type, date, Damage_cost

28 Vector Representation
Vector elements: Ideal representation of precise, abstract phenomenas Sharp idenfication of objects Vector primitives: Point Line Area

29 Coding vector data Numerical coding/ inner attributes
Thematic coding/ layers Object oriented storage / complex objects

30 Raster representation
Raster model: ideal representation for area features Pixel value – attribute Pixel size – geometrical resolution Pixel bite size – thematic resolution Pixel position – geometrical accuracy

31 Raster attribute coding
Single layer – one attribute/cell Multi layer – several attributes 4/4

32 Conversion between Vector and Raster Models
R>V: ??? V>R: OK

33 Comparison of Vector and Raster models

34 Thank You Köszönöm Gracias Obrigado Danke Grazie Merci Hungarian Hindi
English Thai Gracias Russian Spanish Obrigado Traditional Chinese Brazilian Portuguese Arabic Danke German Grazie Merci Italian Simplified Chinese French Japanese Tamil Köszönöm Korean Hungarian

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