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Jupiter This is an image of Jupiter Edward And Aaron.

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Presentation on theme: "Jupiter This is an image of Jupiter Edward And Aaron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jupiter This is an image of Jupiter Edward And Aaron

2 FACTS ABOUT JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and was found by Galileo Galliei Jupiter spins in less than 10 hours.

3 HISTORY ABOUT JUPITER Galileo Galliei discovered Jupiter on January 10,1610. He found it by using the four satellites around Jupiter Jupiter was named after the king of the roman gods

4 Solar System Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun .
The rotation speed of Jupiter is ten hours even though it is the largest planet in our solar system.

5 Moons Jupiter has the most moons in total of 63-67
Some of the biggest moons that Jupiter has are Europa,Gaymade and Callisto This is a picture of Europa.

6 More Jupiter Facts Up close Jupiter looks like yellowish brownish and tanish. Jupiter’s clouds are made out of Hydrogen gas.

7 Rings Jupiter’s rings are made out of terenouos.
Another thing that is made out of Jupiter’s rings is dusty structures.

8 Exploration Jupiter has the most satellites of four.
So far no body has been on my planet because it’s a gas planet.

9 Interesting Facts Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and was found by Galileo Galilei Jupiter look like to us like a bright in the night. Jupiter can fit up to 1,300 earths. A storm has been there for about two hundred years.

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