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An apple a day keeps the doctor away COMENIUS MULTILATERAL Physical activity and dietary report.

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Presentation on theme: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away COMENIUS MULTILATERAL Physical activity and dietary report."— Presentation transcript:

1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away COMENIUS MULTILATERAL Physical activity and dietary report

2 1.What does the word « sport » mean for your familiy?

3 2.Which of your parents does sport regularly?

4 3.Do your parents know what kind of sport activities they should do at their age?

5 4. Are your parents members of a fitness club?

6 5.Are your parents interested in important sport events like championships or Olympics?

7 6. Does your family try to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time every day?

8 7. Do you eat dinner at home or out?

9 8. What kind of food is normally used in your kitchen?

10 9. Do your parents mind how much carbohydrates and calories they take a day?

11 10. Do your family´ meals contain fresh vegetables and fruit (every day)?

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