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I can use feedback to develop

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1 I can use feedback to develop
Year 9 – Life changes and transitions I can use feedback to develop © Leeds South and East CCG

2 Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills
I know the difference between unhelpful criticism and constructive feedback I can use constructive feedback to develop This lesson also includes breaking down these skills into the following I can develop skills in negotiating what I want I can become more assertive 2

3 How we will work together
Can you remember the ground rules we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

4 What do we already know? Unhelpful criticism…
… can come from ourselves or from others and sometimes feedback isn’t all that constructive… Class discussion based on the cartoons. What do the class already understand about feedback. 4

5 Let’s get started – giving ‘feedback’ to Simon Cowell
Feedback is meant to do these things – does Simon Cowell succeed? Provide motivation Improve individual performance Improve self awareness Enhance self esteem Raise morale Encourage people to want to learn Offer reassurance Explanation of what feedback is meant to achieve. Then play video clip on next slide. 5

6 Let’s get started – giving ‘feedback’ to Simon Cowell
Read through the list of aims of feedback. Then watch the YouTube clip of Simon Cowell, and discuss as a whole class which ones he does and doesn’t do. The only one he does is ‘improving self awareness’ – so how could he provide feedback better? Source: YouTube- Dain Watch the video clip 6

7 I give up Look at the two examples.
The cyclist is Bradley Wiggins with his coach Dave Brailsford Why has s/he stopped doing the Rubik’s cube? What might encourage the person to carry on? Referring back to previous slide draw out that feedback can either motivate or demoralise. Look at the two examples. The cyclist is Bradley Wiggins with his coach Dave Brailsford. Why has s/he stopped doing the Rubik’s cube? What might encourage the person to carry on? 7

8 Helpful feedback is… Information about past behaviour, delivered in the present , which is intended to influence future behaviour. Read slide. 8

9 Who’s getting it right – Simon Cowell or the people he’s talking to?
Effective feedback is Focussed on behaviour, not on perceived attitudes Focussed on behaviour which can be changed Based on observation Objective Given at a good time About what the individual did well and what they could do better Given in private Receiving feedback works best if you Are open to suggestions Listen carefully Ask questions about their comments Are prepared to contribute Here are some of the key features of effective feedback. Compare the feedback giving/receiving skills of Simon Cowell and the people he’s giving feedback to – give points to each side based on their ability to give/receive feedback. 9

10 Simple feedback tools The feedback sandwich Two stars and wish
WWW / EBI Use ‘I’ statements Two stars and a wish: two things you did well at, one thing you wish for a target What went well/even better if Feedback sandwich – one good point (bread), one improvement point (the filling in the sandwich), one good point (bread) I statements are about saying how things make you feel 10

11 Roleplay – helping Simon Cowell improve
Round 2 Role play Person B and person C: giving feedback to Simon Cowell on how he did. Use the feedback techniques you usually use in class, like stop / start / continue, feedback sandwich, two stars and a wish, what went well / even better if (3 mins) In groups of three Round 1 Role play: Person A: Simon Cowell Person B and person C: the group he’s giving feedback to (30 secs) These two roleplays form the basis of the work that pupils will be using in the next part of the lesson to assess their own ability to give and receive feedback. 11

12 Did we do better than Simon? Evaluating our own strengths
Round 3 Person A talk to person B and person C about how they feel they did at giving feedback to Simon Cowell – two stars and a wish (2 mins) Round 4 Person B talk to person A and person C about how they feel they did at giving feedback to Simon Cowell – What went well/even better if (2 mins) Round 5 Person C talk to person A and person B about how they feel they did at receiving the feedback – feedback sandwich (2 mins) These two roleplays form the basis of the work that pupils will be using in the next part of the lesson to assess their own ability to give and receive feedback. 12

13 How has our learning progressed?
I enjoyed I felt bad I was encouraged I learnt I don’t understand I feel more confident I encouraged someone I would like to try My goal was I was interested when I never knew that I now know I helped someone when Sentence starters – pupils to complete one or two of these and share with the class and/or write them down 13

14 Taking the learning away
Watch X Factor, Strictly, Britain’s Got Talent, The Voice or another similar show at home. Think how you would do it better Offer someone helpful feedback in school in the next week using the frameworks we have practised Pupils may like to write these down and/or share with the group. 14

15 Want to know more or get help?
im-a-young-person get-support Contact: Call, or go online 15

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