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DMT 245 Introduction to Microcontroller
│ Lecture 5 │ 8051 Assembly Language Programming (2)
In this Lecture …… Arithmetic instructions Logical instructions
Rotate instructions Comparison instructions Various 8051 addressing modes Read textbook pages : P.96 - P.107
Arithmetic Instructions
There are 24 arithmetic opcodes which are grouped into the following types: ADD and ADDC SUBB MUL DIV INC DEC DA
Arithmetic Flags Flag: It is a 1-bit register that indicates the status of the result from an operation Flags are either at a flag-state of value 0 or 1 Arithmetic flags indicate the status of the results from mathematical operations ( +, , *, / )
Arithmetic Flags (Conditional Flags)
There are 4 arithmetic flags in the 8051 Carry (C) Auxiliary Carry (AC) Overflow (OV) Parity (P) All the above flags are stored in the Program Status Word (PSW) CY AC -- RS1 RS0 0V P PSW.7 PSW.6 PSW.5 PSW.4 PSW.3 PSW.2 PSW.1 PSW.0
Arithmetic Flags (Conditional Flags)
CY PSW.7 Carry flag AC PSW.6 Auxiliary carry flag PSW.5 Available to the user for general purpose RS1 PSW.4 Register Bank selector bit 1 RS0 PSW.3 Register Bank selector bit 0 0V PSW.2 Overflow flag -- PSW.1 User definable flag P PSW.0 Parity flag The C flag is keeping track in unsigned operations The OV flag is keeping track in signed operations
Instructions that Affecting Flags (1/2)
Instruction Mnemonic Flags Affected ADD C AC OV ADDC SUBB MUL C = 0 DIV DA A SETB C C = 1 MOV C, bit
Instructions that Affecting Flags (2/2)
Instruction Mnemonic Flags Affected ORL C, bit C ANL C, bit RLC RRC CLR C C = 0 CPL C C = /C CJNE
The ADD and ADDC Instructions
ADD A, source ; A = A + source ADDC A, source ; A = A + source + C A register must be involved in additions The C flag is set to 1 if there is a carry out of bit 7 The AC flag is set to 1 if there is a carry out of bit 3 ADD is used for ordinary addition ADDC is used to add a carry after the LSB addition in a multi-byte process
Example 6-1 Show how the flag register is affected by the following instructions. MOV A, #0F5h ; A = F5h ADD A, #0Bh ; A = F5 + 0B = 00 Solution F5h + 0Bh 100h After the addition, register A (destination) contains 00 and the flags are as follows: CY = 1 since there is a carry out from D7 P = 0 because the number of 1s is zero AC = 1 since there is a carry from D3 to D4
Example 6-2 Assume that RAM locations 40h – 42h have the following values. Write a program to find the sum of the values in these locations. At the end of the program, register A should contain the low byte and R7 contain the high byte. RAM locations: 40h = (7Dh), 41h = (EBh), 42h = (C5h) Solution: MOV A, 40h ; set A = RAM location 40h MOV R7, #0 ; set R7 = 0 ADD A, 41h ; add A with RAM location 41h JNC NEXT ; if CY = 0 don’t accumulate carry INC R7 ; keep track of carry NEXT: ADD A, 42h ; add A with RAM location 42h JNC NEXT1 ; if CY = 0 don’t accumulate carry NEXT1: END
Example 6-3 Write a program segment to add two 16-bit numbers. The numbers are 3CE7h and 3B8Dh. Place the sum in R7 and R6; R6 should store the lower byte. CLR C ; make C=0 MOV A, #0E7h ; load the low byte now A=E7h ADD A, #8Dh ; add the low byte now A=74h and C=1 MOV R6, A ; save the low byte of the sum in R6 MOV A, #3Ch ; load the high byte ADDC A, #3Bh ; add with the carry ; 3B + 3C + 1 = 78 (all in hex) MOV R7, A ; save the high byte of the sum
The DA Instruction DA A Example 6.4 :
ADDC ….. DA A ADD ….. DA A DA A The action is to “decimal adjust” the register A Used after the addition of two BCD numbers Example 6.4 : MOV A, #47h ; A=47h first BCD operand MOV B, #25h ; B=25h second BCD operand ADD A, B ; hex (binary) addition (A=6Ch) DA A ; adjust for BCD addition (A=72h)
Example 6.4 of DA Instruction
Hex BCD 6C Offset decimal 6 !
The SUBB Instruction SUBB A, source No borrow: A = A – source
SUBB A, #data SUBB A, direct SUBB , where i =0 or 1 SUBB A, Rn, where n =0,1,,7 SUBB A, source No borrow: A = A – source With borrow: A = A – source – carry (i.e. borrow) Note that the 8051 uses the 2’s complement method to do subtraction After execution: The C flag is set to 1 if a borrow is needed into bit 7 The AC flag is set to 1 if a borrow is needed into bit 3
The MUL Instruction MUL AB
Uses registers A and B as both source and destination registers Numbers in A and B are multiplied, then put the lower-order byte of the product in A and the high-order byte in B The OV flag is set to 1 if the product > FFh Note that the C flag is 0 at all times
The DIV Instruction DIV AB
Similarly, it uses registers A and B as both source and destination registers The number in A is divided by B. The quotient is put in A and the remainder (if any) is put in B The OV flag is set to 1 if B has the number 00h (divide-by-zero error) Note that the C flag is 0 at all times
The INC and DEC Instructions
To increment (INC) or decrement (DEC) the internal memory location specified by the operand No change with all the arithmetic flags in this operation e.g. INC 7Fh ; content in 7Fh increased by 1 DEC R1 ; content in R1 decreased by 1 INC A INC direct INC @Ri where i=0,or 1 INC Rn where n=0,,7
Logic Operation in 8051 Logical operations Rotate and swap operations Comparison operations
General Logic Functions
There are instructions available for the 8051 to implement the following logic functions AND OR XOR (exclusive-OR) NOT (invert/complement)
ANL direct, A ANL direct, #data ANL A, #data ANL A, direct ANL where i=0,or 1 ANL A, Rn where n=0,,7 Logical Instructions ANL destination, source Destination = destination AND source ORL destination, source Destination = destination OR source XRL destination, source Destination = destination XOR source Usually, the destination is register A or a direct address in the internal RAM
Logical Instructions ANL can be used to clear (0) certain bits
The source operand can be any of the 4 addressing modes (i.e. immediate/register/ direct/indirect) ANL can be used to clear (0) certain bits ORL can be used to set (1) certain bits Examples
The CLR and CPL Instructions
All bits in register A are cleared CPL A All bits in register A are complemented (inverted) Note that CLR and CPL instructions operate on register A only
The Rotate Instructions
RL A RR A Contents in register A is rotated one bit position to the left or to the right (operated in A only) The bit shifted out is used as the new bit shifted in May include the C flag in the operation Useful in inspecting the bits in a byte one by one Also useful for multiplication and division in powers of 2 RLC A RRC A
The Rotate Instructions
RL A Rotates A one bit position to the left RLC A Rotates A and the carry flag one bit position to the left RR A Rotates A one bit position to the right RRC A Rotates A and the carry flag one bit position to the right Note that for RLC and RRC, you have to know the C flag first
The Rotate Instructions
The SWAP Instruction Swapping the lower-nibble (lower 4 bits) and the higher-nibble (upper 4 bits) of register A. SWAP A Register A = 5Eh (original value) after SWAP Register A = E5h
Comparison Operation CJNE destination, source, relative address
Compare the source and destination operands first Jump to the relative address (subroutine) if they are not equal Carry flag = 1, if destination-byte is less than the source-byte, Otherwise, the carry flag is cleared.
Comparison Operation CJNE A, #data, relative CJNE A, direct, relative
CJNE @Ri, #data, relative where i=0 or 1 CJNE Rn, #data, relative where i=0,,7 ; example !! CJNE R7, #60H, NOT_EQ ; now R7 = 60H ……………….. NOT_EQ: JC REG_LOW ; now C = 0, ie. R7 > 60H REG_LOW: ; now C = 1. ie. R7 < 60H
Example 6-5 MOV P1, #0FFh ; make P1 an input port
Write a program segment to monitor P1 continuously for the value of 63h. It should get out of the monitoring only if P1 = 63h. Solution : MOV P1, #0FFh ; make P1 an input port HERE: MOV A, P1 ; get P1 CJNE A, #63h, HERE ; keep monitoring unless ; P1=63h
Addressing Modes Addressing mode: a method that…
Points out where the operands (i.e. source and destination) are, and How these operands should be accessed The opcode in an instruction specifies what addressing mode will be used
Addressing Modes Immediate addressing (eg. MOV A, #55H)
Register addressing (eg. MOV A,R0) Direct addressing (eg. MOV A,30H) Register indirect addressing (eg. MOV Indexed addressing (eg. MOVC Absolute addressing (eg. ACALL address11) Long addressing (eg. LCALL addr16 ) Relative addressing (Eg. SJMP relative)
Immediate Addressing Source operand is a constant number/character – “immediate data” If the operand is a number, we must add a “#” sign before it e.g. ADD A, #56h ; add 56(16) to the number in register A e.g. MOV R6, #81 ; load 81(10) into R6 Applications: e.g. initialize a number of registers to zero; overwrite a constant character
Examples of Immediate Addressing
Notes of Immediate Addressing
Add “#” before any immediate data Only the source operand can be immediate Add “h” after a base-16 number, “b” after a base-2 number; otherwise assumed base-10 Use ‘ ’ to enclose any character Precede all base-16 numbers that begin with A-F by a “0” MOV A,#ABh
Register Addressing Source/destination/both of them are registers located in the CPU registers (i.e. R0 – R7; A; DPTR) e.g. MOV A, R5 ; copy the contents of R5 into A e.g. MOV R3, A ; copy the contents of A into R3 e.g. ADD A, R2 ; add the contents of R2 to contents of A e.g. MOV R7, DPL MOV R6, DPH
Notes of Register Addressing
The most efficient addressing mode: No need to do memory access Instructions are much shorter Result: speed (hence efficiency) increased We can move data between Acc and Rn (n = 0 to 7) but movement of data between Rn registers is not allowed e.g. MOV R4, R (Invalid)
Review Questions Can the programmer of a microcontroller make up new addressing modes? Show the instruction to load (binary) into R3. Why is the following invalid? “MOV R2, DPTR” True or false. DPTR is a 16-bit register that is also accessible in low-byte and high-byte formats. Is the PC (program counter) also available in low-byte and high-byte formats?
Direct Addressing Source/destination/both of them are specified by an 8-bit address field in the instruction Use this mode to access the 128 bytes of RAM and the SFR (Table 5-1, textbook P.100) Location of operand is fixed cannot be changed when program is running, but content can be changed Inflexible to address elements in a table of data
Examples of Direct Addressing
MOV direct,direct Note: No “#” sign in the instruction
Examples of Direct Addressing
MOV R2, #5 ; R2 = 05 MOV A, 2 ; copy location 02 (R2) to A MOV B, 2 ; copy location 02 (R2) to B MOV 7, 2 ; copy location 02 to 07 (R2 to R7) ; since “MOV R7, R2” is invalid MOV direct,direct
Stack and Direct Addressing Mode
Only direct addressing mode is allowed for pushing onto the stack PUSH A (Invalid) PUSH 0E0h (Valid) PUSH R3 (Invalid) PUSH (Valid) POP R4 (Invalid) POP (Valid) PUSH direct POP direct
Example 6-6 Solution : PUSH 05 ; push R5 onto stack
Show the code to push R5, R6, and A onto the stack and then pop them back into R2, R3, and B, where register B = register A, R2 = R6, and R3 = R5. Solution : PUSH 05 ; push R5 onto stack PUSH 06 ; push R6 onto stack PUSH 0E0h ; push register A onto stack POP 0F0h ; pop top of stack into register B ; now register B = register A POP ; pop top of stack into R2 ; now R2 = R6 POP ; pop top of stack into R3 ; now R3 = R5
Notes of Direct Addressing
The address value is limited to one byte, 00 – FFh (128-byte RAM and SFR) Using MOV to move data from itself to itself can lead to unpredictable results error MOV data to a port changes the port latch MOV data from port gets data from port pins MOV A, A
Register Indirect Addressing
Use a register to hold the address of the operand; i.e. using a register as a pointer Only R0 and R1 can be used when data is inside the CPU (address ranges from 00h – 7Fh) e.g. MOV R0 ,R1 and DPTR can be used when addressing eXternal memory locations eg. MOVX MOVX Must put a sign before the register name
Register Indirect Addressing (eg. ADD A,@R0)
After Program memory Before Addresses ACC R0 ADD 200 201 Data 12 31 32 30 10 22
Examples of Indirect Addressing
where i=0 or 1
Example 6-7 Write a program segment to copy the value 55h into RAM memory locations 40h to 44h using: Direct addressing mode; Register indirect addressing mode without a loop; and with a loop
Solution to Example 6-7(a)
Direct addressing mode MOV A, #55h ; load A with value 55h MOV 40h, A ; copy A to RAM location 40h MOV 41h, A ; copy A to RAM location 41h MOV 42h, A ; copy A to RAM location 42h MOV 43h, A ; copy A to RAM location 43h MOV 44h, A ; copy A to RAM location 44h
Solution to Example 6-7(b)
register indirect addressing mode without a loop MOV A, #55h ; load A with value 55h MOV R0, #40h ; load the pointer. R0 = 40h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 41h INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 42h INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 43h INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 44h
Solution to Example 6-7(c)
Loop method MOV A, #55h ; A = 55h MOV R0, #40h ; load pointer. R0 = 40h, RAM address MOV R2, #05 ; load counter, R2 = 5 AGAIN: MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location pointed by R0 INC R0 ; increment pointer R0 DJNZ R2, AGAIN ; loop until counter = zero MOV R2, #05h ; example LP: ; ; do 5 times inside the loop DJNZ R2, LP ; R2 as counter “DJNZ” : decrement and jump if Not Zero DJNZ direct, relative DJNZ Rn, relative where n = 0,1,,,7
Example 6-8 (looping) Write a program segment to clear 15 RAM locations starting at RAM address 60h. CLR A ; A = 0 MOV R1, #60h ; load pointer. R1 = 60h MOV R7, #15 ; load counter, R7 = 15 (0F in HEX) AGAIN: MOV @R1, A ; clear RAM location R1 points to INC R1 ; increment R1 pointer DJNZ R7, AGAIN ; loop until counter = zero ; clear one ram location at address 60h CLR A MOV R1,#60h MOV @R1,A Setup a loop using DJNZ and register R7 as counter
Example 6-9 (block transfer)
Write a program segment to copy a block of 10 bytes of data from RAM locations starting at 35h to RAM locations starting at 60h. ; COPY 1 TIMES MOV R0,#35h MOV R1,#60h MOV MOV @R1,A MOV R0, #35h ; source pointer MOV R1, #60h ; destination pointer MOV R3, #10 ; counter BACK: MOV ; get a byte from source MOV @R1, A ; copy it to destination INC R0 ; increment source pointer INC R1 ; increment destination pointer DJNZ R3, BACK ; keep doing it for all ten bytes
Notes of Indirect Addressing
Using pointer in the program enables handling dynamic data structures an advantage Dynamic data: the data value is not fixed In this mode, we can defer the calculation of the address of data and the determination of the amount of memory to allocate at (program) runtime Register or direct addressing (eg. MOV A, 30H) cannot be used , since they require operand addresses to be known at assemble-time.
MOVC MOVC JMP @A+DPTR Indexed Addressing Using a base register (starting point) and an offset (how much to parse through) to form the effective address for a JMP or MOV instruction Used to parse through an array of items or a look-up table Usually, the DPTR is the base register and the “A” is the offset A increases/decreases to parse through the list
Indexed Addressing 56 After Before 2000 2001 41 00 10 31
Program memory Before ACC DPTR MOVC + DPTR 2000 2001 41 00 10 31 56 Indexed Addressing Example: MOVC
Examples of Indexed Addressing
Example 6-10 (look-up table)
Write a program to get the x value from P1 and send x2 to port P2, continuously. ORG 0h MOV DPTR, #300h ; load look-up table address MOV A, #0FFh ; A = FF MOV P1, A ; configure P1 as input port BACK: MOV A, P1 ; get X MOV ; get X square from table MOV P2, A ; issue it to port P2 SJMP BACK ; keep doing it ORG h TABLE: DB , 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 END
Relative Addressing Used in jump (“JMP”) instructions
SJMP relative DJNZ direct, relative DJNZ Rn, relative where n=0,1,,,7 Relative Addressing Used in jump (“JMP”) instructions Relative address: an 8-bit value (-128 to +127) You may treat relative address as an offset Labels indicate the JMP destinations (i.e. where to stop) Assembler finds out the relative address using the label
Relative Addressing The relative address is added to the PC
The sum is the address of the next instruction to be executed As a result, program skips to the desired line right away instead of going through each line one by one Labels indicate the JMP destinations (i.e. where to stop).
Relative Addressing Program counter + offset = Effective address
Branch Opcode Offset Next Opcode Next Instruction Program Counter + Offset Program counter + offset = Effective address = address of next instruction
Examples of Relative Addressing
Absolute Addressing Long Addressing
ACALL address11 AJMP address11 Absolute Addressing Only used with the instructions ACALL and AJMP Similar to indexed addressing mode The largest “jump” that can be made is 2K 211 = 2048=2K Long Addressing Only used with the instructions LCALL and LJMP Similar to indexed addressing mode The largest “jump” that can be made is 64K
Absolute vs Long Addressing
Absolute addressing: 11-bit address in 2-byte instruction Long addressing: 16-bit address in 3-byte instruction Range of the “jump” of long is greater than absolute Yet absolute mode has shorter code (2 bytes), hence faster execution
Why So Many Modes? There are many methods to do a task
Some are more efficient while some are not Choosing the right addressing mode will enable us to finish the task efficiently Let’s take a simple case as example: “Clear the memory location from 30h to 7Fh.” We can use MOV instruction in direct addressing mode to nullify these memory one by one But the program will be too lengthy and space-consuming
Why So Many Modes? So, we may try using indirect addressing mode like this: MOV 30h, #00h ; Clear Array [0] MOV 31h, #00h ; and Array [1] ; Keep on going . MOV 7Eh, #00h ; Clear Array [78] MOV 7Fh, #00h ; Clear Array [79] MOV R0, #30h ;Set up pointer to start of array clear_arr: MOV @R0, #00 ;Clear target byte pointed to by R0 INC R ; Advance pointer by 1 CJNE R0, #80H, clear_arr ;Has pointer reached 80 ? NEXT: ; if not over the top THEN again ELSE ; next instruction Direct addressing mode uses up 240 bytes Indirect addressing mode uses up 8 bytes ONLY, with a saving of 232 bytes ! 5x16x3 = 240 Since 3 bytes for MOV direct, #data
A Little Further ….. Yet, the program is still too long.
A much better method would be writing a subroutine (= function in C programming) to do nullification Write a loop to call the subroutine for (7F-30+1) times to nullify all memory As a result, we don’t have to write so many lines of program
Read reference The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems - Using Assembly and C, Mazidi Chapter 5 P.109 – P.135 Chapter 6 P.139 – P.167
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