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Mrs. Shook & Mr. Muckerheidi What you need to know to be successful

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Shook & Mr. Muckerheidi What you need to know to be successful"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Shook & Mr. Muckerheidi What you need to know to be successful
Welcome to 111 Mrs. Shook & Mr. Muckerheidi What you need to know to be successful

2 What do I do when I enter the room?
Check the PPT for the materials you need and take out necessary materials, find your assigned seat, fill out your planner with the daily I can statement and start on entry task. Planners will be stamped daily.

3 What do I need for this class?
A spiral/composition book. One for each content (LA & SS) Spirals will be left in class.

4 How do I use my planner? Write down your classes I can statement from the front left whiteboard in the appropriate subject area and date. This will be stamped daily. Your planner needs to be brought to class DAILY.

5 How do I use the bathroom?
During collaborative or independent work time. You may not leave the room during instruction unless it is an emergency. You must sign out on the clipboard, have a filled out orange pass from me and take it with you. You must also sign back in on the clipboard when you return and return the pass. The same procedure will be used for the nurse, office and library.

6 Can I eat/drink in this class?
No food. You may only have drinks.

7 Where do I keep my spiral and Springboard text?
In your table tower or book shelf. You must have your spiral and Springboard text DAILY.

8 Can I turn in late work? Yes-late work must be turned in with a parent signed late work reflection form. Late work reflection forms are on the front turn in table. Late work, with completed refection form, needs to be turned in to your periods late work folder. There is no penalty for late work. It is only accepted until the end of unit assessment.

9 Where do I turn my assignments in?
Your completed paper assignments will be turned into your class folder in the wire shelf in the front of the room. Please do not hand assignments to me or put on my desk. Digital assignments will be turned in on Google Classroom. It is your responsibility to mark assignments as done on Classroom. Classroom & Skyward do not “talk”-I enter grades into Skyward not Classroom.

10 What if I forget to put my name on a paper I turned in?
Put your name on your paper! Check the no name folder by turn in folders. If found, write your name and turn into the late work folder on blue shelf. Papers will be recycled at the end of semester.

11 What if I forgot my pencil. What if I need office supplies
What if I forgot my pencil? What if I need office supplies? What if I need a band aid? Pencils are in the mug by the sink. Ask a table partner. The drawers not labeled with DANGER tape contain supplies for your use-staples, band aids etc. These are CLASS supplies and may NOT leave the classroom. Table baskets have supplies for your use-staplers, markers, scissors, glue stick. Danger drawers & cabinets are not to be opened.

12 What is in the yellow folder?
Resource folder 1 per table Housekeeping documents Important documents Return to the folder after using

13 When can I get out my assigned seat?
Only during collaborative or independent work time to use the bathroom, get supplies or sharpen pencil. During instruction, you need to remain seated.

14 Will I have homework? Yes (don’t panic)!
In Language arts, you will have a weekly skill based outside reading. They will be assigned every Friday (starting next Friday) & be due the following Friday. Hard copies will be handed out and digital copies will be available on Google Classroom. They will give you an opportunity to practice skills introduced in class & more exposure to mentor text. They will be 20% of your grade/daily work. Students who regularly complete assigned outside reading score higher on end of unit assessments. In social studies, you will have a weekly content based outside reading/challenge source. They will be assigned every Friday (starting next Friday) & be due the following Friday. A digital copy of the text and questions will be posted on Google Classroom. You may answer the question publically/privately. They will give you an opportunity to learn important background knowledge in our content. They will be 20% of your grade/daily work. Students who regularly complete assigned outside reading score higher on end of unit assessments.

15 What do I do when I am done?
You can read our outside readings(mentor text/Tangerine, SS challenge articles), your independent reading (our classroom library is in the front cupboard) and work on your skill based reading log or answering the challenge source question. You can also work on missing assignments. If the above is completed, your other options are to choose an assignment from the challenge crate on the side counter, update Google Classroom, check Skyward or a challenge website posted on Google Classroom. If the library is open, you may also visit the library to check out a book.

16 What do I do if I need help?
Ask three before me-your table partners. If you still do not get the answer/assistance you need, please let me know that you need my help-raise your hand. Please do not chase me around the room.

17 What do I do if I have a question about my grade?
See me for a WIN STRETCH pass and we can chat on a Thursday. Please do not ask me before or after class. This is not because I am not happy to help, but I don’t have time when starting another class.

18 How will my hard work be recognized?
An author of the week/historian of the week will be chosen every Monday. This student will be chosen based on motivation, team work, pride, attitude and effort. Your picture will be posted and a post card will be mailed home.

19 What are the tickets for?
You will be given a ticket when you positively participate in class, help others and demonstrate BEARS behavior. You will write your name on the back of the ticket. At the end of class, turn your ticket into your class jar. When your class jar is full, the class will earn a snack. A ticket will be drawn every Friday to recognize an individual student. The ticket winner will choose a prize from the basket! At the end of the year, a ticket will be drawn from the years tickets for an Amazon gift card.

20 What do I do at the end of class?
Clean up area Return spiral/textbooks Return supplies Push in Chairs 5th/6th period will stack chairs 5th/6th period will plug in and return laptops to the cart The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Please do not line up at the door. I will dismiss by table.

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