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admire Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK

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1 admire Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is admire. Say it with me: admire. To admire means “to like and respect someone or something very much.” I admire people who play a musical instrument. I know they work hard to be good at it. I would like to be able to play a musical instrument. 2. En español, to admire quiere decir “admirar, apreciar o respetar algo o a alguien.” Yo admiro a las personas que tocan un instrumento musical. Sé que se esforzaron mucho para aprender a tocarlo. A mí me gustaría tocar un instrumento musical. 3. To admire in English and admirar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word admire. Look at these police officers. They are brave. I think they do a good job. I admire these officers. 5. When we admire someone, it is nice to tell the person. Make a card for someone you admire. Make a picture on the front that shows why you admire the person. Tell your partner about the card and why you made it. 6. We can also admire things. For example, we can admire a pretty sunset. Think of something that you think is really nice to look at or enjoy. Maybe it is a picture that a friend painted. Maybe it is a new shirt that someone has. Then tell what you admire and why. Complete this sentence: I admire __________ because __________. 7. Now let’s say admire together three more times: admire, admire, admire. admire

2 community Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is community. Say it with me: community. A community is a group of people who live in the same place. The people who live in the houses near our school are part of our community. 2. En español, community quiere decir “comunidad, grupo de personas que vive en un mismo lugar.” Las personas que viven cerca de la escuela forman parte de nuestra comunidad. 3. Community in English and comunidad in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word community. These children all live near each other. They live in the same community. They care about their community. They work together to be sure it is a good place to live. PARTNER TALK 5. Draw a picture of a place where people in your community go. Show what people do in that place. For example, you might show a place where people shop or you might show a park where people in the community play. Talk about your picture with your partner. 6. Our school is one kind of community. We all spend our days here. We all care about our school and each other. Tell some things we care about in our community. (Examples include: We care about learning. We care about respecting each other. We care about books.) 7. Now let’s say community together three more times: community, community, community. community

3 deliver Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is deliver. Say it with me: deliver. To deliver means “to take something to the place it is supposed to go.” Sometimes I ask a child to take a note to the office. When the child takes the note, he or she delivers it to the office. 2. En español, to deliver quiere decir “entregar algo en un lugar determinado.” A veces necesito que un niño entregue una nota en la oficina. Cuando el niño entrega la nota, la lleva a la oficina. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word deliver. This person’s job is to deliver things to people. Someone gives him papers and tells him where they must go. This person takes them where he is told. MOVEMENT 4. I will give you directions to follow. [Name of child], please deliver this marker to (name of another child). Continue making similar requests until every child has a turn. 5. Mail carriers deliver letters and cards to people. Pretend you are a mail carrier. Write something on a paper. Fold it up. Then deliver it to one of your classmates. Let’s be sure that everyone gets a paper. 6. Now let’s say deliver together three more times: deliver, deliver, deliver. deliver

4 schedule Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is schedule. Say it with me: schedule. A schedule is a list of times when certain things happen. We have a schedule that tells us what we will do in school each day. (If you have a written schedule on display, point it out.) 2. En español, schedule quiere decir “horario.” Un horario es una tabla donde se indica la hora en que suceden las cosas. Un horario nos dice lo que vamos a hacer en la escuela durante el día. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word schedule. The boy is getting on a bus. The bus driver has a schedule to follow. The driver must go certain places at certain times. PARTNER TALK 4. Pretend you are a teacher. Tell your partner what kind of schedule you have for your class. What would your students do in the morning? What would your students do in the afternoon? 5. Tell your partner about a schedule of fun things to do on a day off from school. What would you do first thing in the morning? What would you do next? What would you do at noon? Tell about the whole day. 6. Now let’s say schedule together three more times: schedule, schedule, schedule. schedule

5 workers Key Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is workers. Say it with me: workers. Workers are people who do certain jobs. Some of the workers in our school are teachers, custodians, and the principal. 2. En español, workers quiere decir “trabajadores.” Los trabajadores realizan ciertos trabajos. Algunos trabajadores de la escuela son los maestros, los conserjes y el director. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word workers. These people are workers. They are helping build a house. They are wearing their work clothes. They are using work tools. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner what kinds of workers you know. You can tell about workers in your neighborhood or people you have seen on television. 5. Act out being a certain kind of worker. For example, you could act out being a farmer, a person who fixes roads, or an artist. See if your partner can guess what kind of worker you are. 6. Now let’s say workers together three more times: workers, workers, workers. workers

6 step off Function Words & Phrases Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase step off to talk about putting your foot down to get off of something. Say it with me: step off. When we want to cross a street, we step off of the curb. 2. En español, to step off quiere decir “bajarse.” Cuando quieres cruzar la calle, hay que bajarse de la acera. 3. This picture shows the phrase step off. The girl was on the bus. She puts one foot down on the sidewalk. She puts the other foot down on the sidewalk. She steps off the bus. MOVEMENT 4. (Take children somewhere in the school where there is a step or put a low stool or sturdy wooden box on the floor of your classroom.) Each of you will have a turn to stand on the step (stool, box). I will give you a direction. [Name], please step off the step [stool, box]. 5. I will tell you what to do. You pretend to do the action and repeat what I say. Step off the bus. Step off the rug. Step off the curb. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: step off, step off, step off. step off

7 come out of Function Words & Phrases Unit 6 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase come out of to talk about leaving the inside of something. Say it with me: come out of. In the morning, you come out of your house to go to school. 2. En español, to come out of quiere decir “salir de.” Por la mañana, sales de tu casa para ir a la escuela. 3. This picture shows the phrase come out of. The girl is crawling through a tunnel. She is almost to the end of the tunnel. Soon, she will come out of the tunnel. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Each of you will have a chance to show us what it looks like to come out of something. Then you will tell us what you could come out of. We will repeat what you say. (Sample answers: I can come out of a room. I can crawl out of a bed.) 5. I will name some places. If I name something a person usually comes out of say, “Come out of the __________.” If I say something you cannot come out of, do not do anything. a hole a tree a shoebox a car a tunnel a glass a basement 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: come out of, come out of, come out of. come out of

8 garage Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. garage

9 bulldozer Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. bulldozer

10 drugstore Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. drugstore

11 junkyard Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. junkyard

12 downtown Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. downtown

13 commuters Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. commuters

14 Basic Words Unit 6 ● Week 2 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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