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Published byAlondra Whitby Modified over 10 years ago
Fitness means having sufficient energy and skill to cope in ones environment. Fitness is specific to the individual and ranges from the optimum fitness required by top athletes through to that required to cope with daily tasks Fitness tests are carried out to establish an individuals overall fitness level- range of flexibility, cardiovascular function, muscular strength/endurance ability and body composition in order to give the personal trainer/instructor or coach guidelines as to the specific fitness components to be focused upon during training Fitness testing is used as a means of testing athletes and fitness enthusiasts for progression in their sport or improvement in health/wellness/lifestyle. SUMMARY. General fitness programmes for the general public and athletes must be structured to stress all the systems that contribute to fitness. Fitness testing is used to assess such systems and quantify levels of fitness allowing safe and efficient training programmes to be constructed
COMPONENTS OF FITNESS CV Anaerobic CV Aerobic Strength/ endurance Power & Speed Flexibility Body Composition
Main menu Other Tests Sit and Reach Press UpsSit Ups Standing Broad Jump Body Composition Height Blood Pressure Weight Jumping Jacks Peak Flow Strength
Height Equipment needed for fitness testing height. A private room or gymnasium. A tape measure. A wall chart Main Menu
Protocol Protocol The participant should remove socks and shoes before test. Stand straight with the back against the rod, arms to side Head should be straight with eyes looking forwards (Frankfurt plane). The client is instructed to take a deep breath, and then slowly breathe out The tester lowers measuring rod down to the top of the head and records the actual height of the participant. TIP Before starting, ensure you can reach above clients head. Use a step if required.
Height Main Menu
Weight Equipment needed for fitness test: A private room or gymnasium A good accurate set of electrical calibrated scales. Or a set of accurate calibrated scales. Weight is also required for many other fitness tests Main Menu
Protocol Participant should wear shorts and tee-shirt. Shoes and socks should be removed before weight is measured. Participant stands directly on the scales. Both feet should be evenly balanced on the scales. Stand straight with head up. The participant should remain still while the tester records their accurate weight.
Weight Main Menu
PEAK FLOW Peak flow is an objective assessment of resting respiratory function and can be used to identify lung weakness or damage (ASTHMA). Recorded at the start of a training programme, changes can be observed as a result of training. Equipment needed for fitness testing peak flow: Peak flow meter,norm tables. Place mouth and blow in this part: This is the dial that shows recordings: Peak flow can be used to record lung function for those sports where CV function is paramount. Main Menu
Protocol Participant places hand on peak flow meter. The hand must stay away from meter dial ensuring its movement. The Participant then takes one huge breath and blows their full lung capacity into the end of the meter. Three tries will be permitted with the best score being recorded.
Blood Pressure Equipment needed for fitness test: sphygmomanometers electric Air pressure Polar heart rate monitors 85 - 95< 85DIASTOLIC > 160140 - 160< 140SYSTOLIC highborderlineacceptable Blood pressure is used to test participants level of heart rate Main Menu
Protocol Participants rests quietly for 2-3 mins before blood pressure (BP) is taken. During this time the tester should explain how the measurement will be taken, what that inflated cuff will feel like and what the readings will show. Apply the sphygmomanometer cuff to the subjects upper arm (left or right) ensuring that there are no creases or twisting of the cuff or tube. The arm muscles should be relaxed and the forearm supported. Inflate the cuff by pressing the start button on the automatic sphygmomanometer and wait for the systolic and diastolic BP and resting heart rate (RHR) to be displayed.
Blood Pressure Main Menu
Body Composition Equipment needed for fitness test: Two people, one tester and one participant. Callipers for measuring body fat at specific sites on the body. Scales for measuring body fat bioelectrical impedance. Most sports require optimum body mass for enhanced performance Main Menu
Protocol (4 site. –Durnin & Wormesley method) Sites for measurement (4) are located as illustrated. (Sites in handbook) Place callipers about 1cm below thumb and index finger. Read dial within 2-4 seconds of placing on skinfold after releasing the grip. Measurements must be repeated by the same tester to avoid variation in measurement techniques. Take average of three measurements at each site. Using additional sites will increase the accuracy. Calculations can be obtained from, N.S.M.I. (National, Sports, Medicine, Institute)
Body fat (skin folds 4 sites) Main Menu
Equipment needed for fitness test: Mats are needed to cushion the spine and save friction that could lead to slight burns. A stop watch will be needed to record the start and finish of the test To measure the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles Sit ups Main Menu
Protocol Subject lies on their back, knees bent, feet hip width apart with arms straight and by their sides, fingers straight. Place rod on ground approximately 8cm away from the longest finger tip of each hand. Tester must stabilize the rod by standing on it. Lift shoulders and chest off the ground, keeping arms straight and on the ground to touch the rod for each curl-up. Return to start position between each repetition. Test score is the number of recorded touches of the rod in one minute. Keep lower back flat on the floor during each repetition. The movement should be controlled, not jerking and the breathing kept rhythmical.
Press-Ups Equipment needed for fitness test: Mats are needed to cushion hands and knees. A good sound stop watch will be needed to record the start and finish of the test A measure of upper body strength and endurance Main Menu
Protocol NORMAL POSITION Subject lies on stomach, feet approximately six inches apart and hands beside shoulders. Push up from the floor to straighten arms keeping upper body and back straight throughout the exercise. Look at the floor slightly in front of the hands. Lower the body to touch chest on to testers fist. Test score is the number of press-ups completed in one minute. Wider arm position will increase the work done by the chest muscles. Breathe rhythmically during each press-up. Modified Position Subject keeps knees rather than feet on the ground (box press up).
Sit & Reach Equipment needed for fitness test: Sit and reach box. Either made of metal or wood Marker for measurement goes here Feet of participant rest at this part The participant would sit on floor in this area Sit and reach is a test for measuring flexibility, although this test only measures the flexibility of the hamstrings. Main Menu
Protocol Warm up thoroughly. Client should keep the knees straight during the test. The feet should be 10-12 inches apart and flat against the base of the box. Slowly stretch forward without bracing or jerking and slide fingers along the top of the box, pushing the bar as far as possible. Repeat three times and record best reach.
Sit & Reach Main Menu
Standing broad jump Equipment needed for this test Gym Tape Measure measuring Standing Broad jump is a test for anaerobic power, mainly in the legs. Main Menu
Feet shoulder width apart, toes to the start line. Hands clenched behind the back. Performer is instructed to jump as far forward as possible and to land with both feet together. Take off must be two footed. No arm assistance is allowed Distance from start line to nearest heel strike is measured and the distance recorded. Record best of three attempts. PROTOCOLS
Standing Broad Jump Main Menu
Jumping Jacks Equipment needed for fitness test: A good reliable stopwatch. Gymnasium for space. Obviously a willing participant. Test used to measure anaerobic endurance. Main Menu
Protocol Participant starts with feet together and hands to sides. Participant then jumps feet out to side whilst bringing arms overhead to touch. Arms and legs return to start position. Participant does as many possible in one minute. Keep heels down. Participant needs to pace themselves for the whole minute. Can use badminton tramlines to manage multi-tests.
Jumping Jacks Main Menu
Strength Equipment needed for fitness test: Again a gym, room or hall. Participant and tester. Grip dynamometer The grip test is a test of strength for the arms especially the forearms Grip strength Main Menu
Protocol The handgrip size should be adjusted to a comfortable position for each client, such that the joint of the forefinger is bent at a right angle to the middle grip bar. Stand erect, with arm out to side, the elbow joint fully extended and forearm and wrists in neutral position. The dynamometer dial should face away from the body. Squeeze the handle as hard as possible as return arm to side, hold in place for 5 seconds and record the peak value. Repeat 3 times. Measure the grip strength of the dominant and non- dominant hands and add together.
Other Tests Bruce Test Multi-stage fitness test 3 min step test Cooper 12 min run Standing vertical Repeated sprints With more research you will find many more tests for each fitness component Main Menu More links to other tests
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