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My Perfect Parachute By Group: 4 (2A) Group Leader: Carlos

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1 My Perfect Parachute By Group: 4 (2A) Group Leader: Carlos
Group Members : Umer, Ashley, Angela

2 What is our experiment about ?
This experiment is about making a perfect parachute by testing different variables as well as doing 3 experiments and making more reliable parachutes , to see which variables can affect the performance of the parachute and observe which is the slowest parachute to reach the ground

3 What are the variables ? The variables are : The length of the string
The size of the parachute The weight of the parachute The height from which the parachute is dropped The condition of the weather

The objective was to make the falling speed of the parachute as slow as possible Did it by testing variables After each parachute experiments we would try to make the parachute different from the other parachute To get a different result So that we could compare the falling speed of each of the parachutes

5 Procedures During the experiment ,we made 3 different parachutes
After making each of the parachutes , we would go up to the 5th floor to drop the parachute, from the 5th floor to the podium Once the parachute is dropped ,we would start our stopwatch and once it landed ,we would stop the stopwatch After repeating the experiment a few times ,we would do the same for the other parachutes Them we would estimate the duration of the time of the parachute falling until it lands Finally we would write down the time results

6 EXPERIMENT #1 In the first experiment , we made a regular parachute as shown in the instruction worksheet and kept the other variables constant. The first parachute was separated into 2,one made with a bigger plastic bag, and the other one made with a smaller plastic bag In the end , the bigger parachute was more slower than the smaller parachute to reach the ground Overall , the bigger parachute was better

7 EXPERIMENT #2 In the second experiment ,we changed the length of the strings Similar as our first experiment, we made two different parachutes The first parachute was made with 30cm strings. The second parachute was made with 50cm strings. Overall, the 50cm string is better, since it made the parachute fly slower

8 EXPERIMENT #3 In the third experiment, we changed the size of the parachute The first parachute was with 2 rolls of tape The second parachute was with 1 roll of tape only Overall, the parachute with 1 roll of tape was better

9 The process of our experiment

10 Record table #1(slower)
Experiment Number Parachute Time to reach ground (Average fall time) Observation EXP #1 Bigger plastic bag parachute 3.17 seconds The bigger plastic parachute was more slower than the smaller parachute to reach the ground EXP #2 50cm string parachute 3.08 seconds Since the 50cm string is longer, it would make the parachute fly slower EXP #3 Parachute with 1 roll of tape 3.50 seconds Because the parachute felt a little lighter when we only put 1 roll of tape ,so it flew slower

11 Record table #2(faster)
Experiment Number Parachute Time to reach ground (Average fall time) Observation EXP #1 Small plastic bag parachute 1.97 seconds The smaller plastic parachute was more slower than the smaller parachute to reach the ground EXP #2 25cm string parachute 2.04 seconds Since the 25cm string is shorter, it would make the parachute fly faster to reach the ground EXP #3 Parachute with 2 rolls of tape 1.81seconds Because the parachute is a little heavier when we put 2 rolls of tape that’s why it flew faster

12 Conclusion Overall a perfect should have these variables to have a perfect experiment: The parachute should have a bigger plastic bag parachute With longer strings And less weight Doing the experiment on a calm day ,not windy

13 This is THE END of our presentation THANK you FOR listenING

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