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Jakub Pawelczak | AP English 2A | 10/30/2013

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1 Jakub Pawelczak | AP English 2A | 10/30/2013
Vocabulary Words 16-20 Jakub Pawelczak | AP English 2A | 10/30/2013

2 Contentious Synonyms: Controversial, Disputable, Debatable. Antonyms: Noncontroversial, Safe, Uncontroversial. Definition: Causing or likely to cause an argument. Example: Fox News aired some really contentious content last night. Good Way To Remember: CONTentious = CONTroversial

3 Iinimical Synonyms: Counter,  Disadvantageous, Hostile. Antonyms:   Advantageous, Favorable,  Friendly. Definition: Tending to obstruct or harm someone or something. Example: Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift, showing how inimical he was. Good Way To Remember: The Interruption was Inimical.

4 Ebullient Synonyms: Exuberant, Buoyant, Cheerful. Antonyms: Depressed, Down, Unenthusiastic. Definition: Cheerful and full of energy. Example: Chief Keef was so ebullient when he dropped his Finally Rich album. Good Way To Remember: Ebullient = Energy-Filled

5 Sanguine Synonyms: Bullish, Hopeful, Confident. Antonyms: Pessimistic, Gloomy, Heavy.   Definition: Optimistic or positive, especially in a bad situation Example: Rick Ross was so sanguine about quitting his job as a Correctional Officer and becoming a rapper. Good Way To Remember: PoSANGUINEitive

6 Pithy Synonyms: Cogent, Concise, Laconic. Antonyms: Impotent, Lengthy, Weak.   Definition: Short but affective. Example: “Yeah I’m a little upset, but I drive a jet.” Is a great example of pithy. Good Way To Remember: R.R.P. … RiFF RaFF Pithy

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