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First Thing First: Monday, September 25

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1 First Thing First: Monday, September 25
4 sentences

2 Today Hand Backs/Writing Portfolios Finish “Thank You, Ma’am”
Book Talk Assignment Vocab “The Cask of Amontillado” Homework: Synonyms for vocab Vocab quiz: Wednesday, October 4

3 “Thank You, Ma’am” Finish questions Characterize Roger and Ms. Jones

4 Short Stories: Vocab

5 To depart in a sudden and secret manner.
Abscond To depart in a sudden and secret manner.

6 Greeted in an aggressive way
Accosted Greeted in an aggressive way

7 To take vengeance or exact satisfaction for
Avenge To take vengeance or exact satisfaction for

8 To enclose within bounds, to limit or confine
Circumscribe To enclose within bounds, to limit or confine

9 Connoisseur A person who is especially competent to pass critical judgments in an art, particularly one of the fine arts, or in matters of taste

10 to fix into a surrounding mass

11 Fettered a chain or shackle placed on the feet.. Anything that confines or restrains.

12 an animated or excited gesture.
Gesticulation an animated or excited gesture.

13 exemption from punishment.
Impunity exemption from punishment.

14 Indolently: lazily

15 Lore A story passed down by word of mouth

16 Obstinate firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty.

17 Palpable: (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost able to touch

18 Preclude To make impossible

19 Realist: a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly

20 the setting right of what is wrong

21 Repast A meal

22 Repose Temporary rest from activity, excitement, or exertion, esp. sleep or the rest given by sleep.

23 Tangible: perceptible by touch

24 A person with a special knowledge of or interest in works of art.
Virtuoso A person with a special knowledge of or interest in works of art.

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