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Argumentative Essay Revision Ideas

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1 Argumentative Essay Revision Ideas

2 Introduction Includes a hook that grabs the reader’s attention
Clearly identifies the issue and states the writing situation   States a pro and states a con – briefly mentions both sides of the argument Clearly states a thesis statement (claim) Read your partner’s introduction. Discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. Discuss “glows and grows.” What did the writer do well? What might need improvement? Are all parts of the introduction present and clear? *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

3 First and Second Body Paragraphs
Includes a clear topic sentence for each paragraph Gives convincing reasons to support your position Uses a variety of sentence structures Uses transitional words, phrases, and clauses Uses different kinds of support facts details examples definitions expert opinions direct quotations cause-and-effect predictions reason, logic, and good sense Read your partner’s first two body paragraphs. Discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. Discuss “glows and grows.” What did the Writer do well? What might need improvement? Did the writer include all points listed above? *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

4 Third Body Paragraph - Counterclaim and Rebuttal
Acknowledges and refutes opposing positions Uses different kinds of support facts details examples definitions expert opinions direct quotations cause-and-effect predictions reason, logic, and good sense *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.


6 Conclusion Restates thesis statement (claim)
Explains why issue is important Summarizes main points Gives a call to action and/or possible outcome Leaves reader with something important to think about Read your partner’s conclusion. Discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. Discuss “glows and grows.” What did the writer do well? What might need improvement? Are all parts of the conclusion present and clear? *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

7 Transitional Words and Phrases
Skim through your partner’s body paragraphs. Underline any transitional words and phrases that have been used. If your partner has not used transitions, use your transitions chart and discuss which words an phrases your partner could add. *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.


9 Replacing “Dead Words” – Breathe Life Back into Your Diction
Skim through your partner’s essay. Look for repetitive words or “tired, worn-out” words. Circle those words and discuss more interesting synonyms that could replace those words. *As you read, circle any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

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