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5.2b Introduction to CAD Modeling Skills

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1 5.2b Introduction to CAD Modeling Skills

2 Learning Objectives Be able to organize a CAD project into folders
Be able to create CAD part files of a provided sketches

3 Getting Started Create two folders
AutomobloxT-9 Practice You will be saving the parts from this activity in these folders

4 Resources/Task Resources Task Your notes on Inventor
‘5.2bSRAutomobloxT9DimDwgs’ word document with sketches of the parts you will be creating. Video ‘5.2bAVideoAutomobloxWindshielModeling’ that goes step by step in creating the Automoblox windshield, Part IV of the activity Task Complete ‘5.2bAnIntroductionToCADModeling’ word document describing this assignment in the assignments folder

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