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Review of Interim Policy Regarding Appointment of Principal Investigators FA-008-089.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Interim Policy Regarding Appointment of Principal Investigators FA-008-089."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Interim Policy Regarding Appointment of Principal Investigators

2 Purpose The policy establishes criteria that allows the appointment of Principal Investigators who are not employees of the University or Auxiliary, but have an official campus affiliation to such positions (i.e. FERP faculty, Alumni, etc.)

3 Policy Provisions The department chair and dean must recommend principal investigator status to AVP Research for approval The chair and dean shall be required to assume the same responsibilities In those cases in which the principal investigator is not an active full-time faculty or staff member, a co-investigator may be required who is a university employee, with responsibility for fiscal matters. Other exceptions may also be granted on a case-by-case basis, by the Provost on behalf of the President.

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