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Study Visit Vilnius 2013. Law of Education Adopted in 2011 Public institutions (most of them) Private institutions Religious institutions (existing near.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Visit Vilnius 2013. Law of Education Adopted in 2011 Public institutions (most of them) Private institutions Religious institutions (existing near."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Visit Vilnius 2013

2 Law of Education Adopted in 2011 Public institutions (most of them) Private institutions Religious institutions (existing near a church) Compulsory education: 10 grades

3 2 semesters 36 weeks/ school year 5 school days/ week the duration of one class: 50 minutes each lesson is followed by a 10- minute break.

4 Central Authority: The Ministry of National Education County level: School Inspectorate, one in each county of Romania, monitoring, guidance and control Local level: The School and the Local Authorities authority from top to bottom

5 Administration Council Generally and administrative decision Council of Teachers decisive role in educational domain Director (Headmaster) Leadership of the school relies on the Council of Teachers and on the Administration Council.

6 JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN 3-4 years old MIDDLE-AGE GROUP 4-5 years old ELDER-AGE GROUP 5-6 years old

7 Optional For children between 3- 6 years old Mixed groups too Short program or long program The service is free Parents pay monthly contribution for food 1 group: 12- 20 children


9 Preparatory grade Grades I- IV

10 Since 2011 For 6 years old children preparing for education / formal training No assessment Special schoolrooms, furniture, place for playing compulsory

11 Compulsory 1 classroom for every group of students 1 group: 15- 25 children Traditional education system Alternative educational systems: Freneit, Step by step, Waldorf

12 One teacher for 4 (5) years Additional teachers for: Foreign Languages, Sports, Religion Foreign language: from the I. grade Assessment through qualifications: very good, good, sufficient, insufficient for every subject


14 Gymnasium Grades V- VIII High school Grades IX- XII/ XIII Theoretical education Vocational education Technological education

15 Grades: V- VIII Same curriculum for every child Separate teacher for each subject: Romanian, Foreign language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Religion, Art, Music, Sports etc. 1 formteacher for every class of students 1 classroom for every class of students 15- 28 students in a form

16 Theoretical branch: two profiles: humanistic (literacy) and numeracy; Technological branch: three profiles: technical, services, and natural resources exploitation and environmental protection; Vocational education: five profiles: military, order and public security, theological, sports, arts and teaching.

17 28- 30 students/ form 1 formteacher for every class of students 1 classroom for every class of students

18 assessment through marks from 1 to 10 marks for every subject marks are entered in the form register and in the personal register of each student can be oral, written, based on practical activities, reports and projects, inter-views, portfolios




22 The official language of education is Romanian at all levels exists education in minority languages (Bulgarian, Polish, Hungarian, German, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Croatian, Turkish, Rromani, Russian, Slovak) There are schools/ grades where every subject is taught in minority language, except Romanian language

23 1. Core curriculum 7 areas: I. Language and Communication II. Mathematics and Natural Sciences III. Man and Society IV. Arts V. Physical Education and Sport VI. Technologies VII. Advice and guidance

24 2. School curriculum Optional subjects: In Primary education: 0-1 hour/ week In Gymnasium: 1- 2 hours/ week In High school: 5- 8 hours/ week (25%) According to the school and parents options Can be organized in any of the curricular areas

25 At the end of the VIII. grade: mathematics, Romanian language, mother tongue Students can continue their studies according to their options following some selection and placement procedures established by the Ministry. At the end of the high school: Baccalaureate examination, diversified according to the profile and expertise, depending on the options of the candidates.

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