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Coming together … Scots and All Saints’ College

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Presentation on theme: "Coming together … Scots and All Saints’ College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming together … Scots and All Saints’ College
The Scots School "Trouthe and Honour Fredom and Curteisie" All Saints’ College "Deo Auctore Vim Promovemus Insitam” (With God as our guide, we develop the inner strength)

2 Our goal today To canvass ideas and develop recommendations as part of an Integration and Strategic Plan for the new school

3 Our time frame Welcome, prayer and opening comments
Current initiatives and priorities School of choice – key characteristics Name of the new school Suggested Strategic Direction - impressions? The Senior school – location? The Junior school – location? Boarding – together or separate? Committees? Time frame Concluding remarks and next steps

4 Keep in mind during this forum …
Look to Your Prior Experiences Fiddle Around, But Make Haste What have you learned? What has been memorable? What’s worked before or is failing now (or vice versa)? Reflect on the past but look to the future Seek out purpose but move with speed, the time to change is now! Try Some Participation Remember to Listen Ask Learn from others, particularly from those advocating the new Distil own images from the emerging reality Share your ideas Seek value from others Clarify Over Time

5 Please introduce yourself to those on your table who you do not know
Get to know new friends Please introduce yourself to those on your table who you do not know

6 Current initiatives and priorities
Staff, student and parent integration forums occurring this week: 22, 23 and 24 February. Association of Independent Schools (AIS), Michael Carr and Chris Duncan, will be assisting us through providing advice on the structure for the new school and interviewing and recommending staff leader appointments. Australian Public Affairs (APA), Tracey Cain, referred by AIS but also known to us through PLC Croydon, has submitted a proposal to provide us consulting services in respect of the name of the new school, and its brand, crest, colours, market position and communications. John Weeks (retiring Principal of Knox Grammar School) has offered to provide us advice and support in developing the new school’s strategic plan, particularly in developing a learning and educational excellence strategy for the school. Nicola Taylor and John da Cruz (PLCA and PLCS) are travelling to China over the next two weeks and will be canvassing opportunities to attract international ELICOS students (boys) to board at either The Scots School or All Saints’ College depending on the upgrading and leasing of existing boarding facilities as part of PLCA’s licence to operate as an ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) provider. A communication plan is being developed to ensure staff, students and parents are kept regularly updated on progress of the integration process. Key stakeholders (Old Boys and Old Girls, the ASC Foundation, the respective P&F Associations) will be kept updated on progress of the integration process, and encouraged to assist us. An audit of the buildings and facilities at both schools to be undertaken; to assist in determining the best use of the two campuses; and as a first step in developing a Master Plan for the new school. A new Constitution to be drafted for the new school to be tabled at our General Assembly in July, together with recommended new Board appointments.

7 School of choice As a parent, what were your main reasons for choosing your current school as the school of choice for your child/children? The Scots School All Saints’ College

8 School of choice What are the key characteristics that you feel will cause parents in the future to choose the new school as a school of choice?

9 Suggested name for the new school
One of the first questions asked by students and staff is: “What will be the name of the new school?” What do you think the name should be?

10 Our suggested strategic direction for the new school
Our Mission To educate the whole person within a Christian worldview To grow the whole person within a Christian worldview Our Vision Individuals of integrity and compassion working together to create a better world A generation of integrity and compassion, embracing diversity, challenging the present to create a better future Young people of integrity and compassion, challenging the present to create a better world Our Values The Quest for Excellence through academics, adventure, initiative, creativity and resilience Faith and Tradition which inspire truth, honour, courtesy, freedom and care Leadership through Collaboration in a spirit of service, inclusion, compassion, fun and community What are your initial impressions?

11 Our suggested strategic pillars for the new school
Our Strategic Pillars The Christian mission of the College The learning environment Staff professional learning and development United, building a strong future Community relationships and partnerships Welfare and pastoral care Leadership and governance FAITH STUDENT LEARNING STAFF KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL STRENGTH COMMUNITY WELFARE LEADERSHIP Any comments or suggested changes?

12 What should our new school’s “call to action” be?
Calls to action Brave Hearts Bold Minds (The Scots College) Young Women of Integrity and Purpose (PLC Croydon) Educating successful women of tomorrow in a Christian environment (PLC Armidale) Dare to be More (MLC Burwood) Striving for the Highest (PLC Pymble) Inspiring Tomorrow (Barker College) Heart Mind Life (St Andrews Cathedral School) What should our new school’s “call to action” be?

13 Our ‘call to action’ – staff suggestions for consideration
Excellence Courage Faith Excellence Honour Faith Faith Honour Excellence Honour and Excellence Strength Courage Faith Strength Courage Integrity Strength and Honour Truth Honour Resilience Truth Honour Inner Strength Truth Courage Faith Courage Excellence Faith Honour Integrity Resilience Strength Truth Dare Believe Achieve Reach Believe Succeed Warm hearts, keen minds Learning today, leading tomorrow To strive, to seek, to succeed

14 The Senior school What do you believe are the key strengths or reasons for bringing the Senior school together at either campus? Scots Campus All Saints’ Campus

15 Impact on Scots if located at ASC Impact on ASC if located at Scots
The Senior school What do you believe would be the major implications of locating the Senior school at either campus? Impact on Scots if located at ASC Impact on ASC if located at Scots

16 The Junior school What do you believe are the key strengths or reasons for bringing the Junior school together at either campus? Scots Campus All Saints’ Campus

17 Impact on Scots if located at ASC Impact on ASC if located at Scots
The Junior school What do you believe would be the major implications of locating the Junior school at either campus? Impact on Scots if located at ASC Impact on ASC if located at Scots

18 Boarding What are the key issues, options and preferences for locating boarding together at one campus or possibly kept separate?

19 Specific Committees To assist us and our advisers, what committees or smaller consultative groups should we form? Suggestions are: Boarding New school colours, crest, uniforms Welfare and pastoral care Integrating culture and traditions Communication

20 Integration Steps - subject to further development
JANUARY 1st combined staff forum 29 January FEBRUARY Student leaders, Years 10, 11 and 12 student forums 22/23 February 2nd combined staff forum 22 February 1st Integration Working Group forums 24 February MARCH AIS consulting on combined school structure APA consulting on name, brand, and colours AIS begins interviews for leader roles Draft Strategic/Integration Plan by end March APRIL 3rd combined staff forum to be arranged 2nd Integration Working Group forums 7 April Meet with student leaders and students to update By end April: New name, branding announced AIS interviews completed – leaders announced Final Strategic/Integration Plan approved MAY-JUNE Report for the General Assembly printed by end May 4th combined staff forum to be arranged 3rd Integration Working Group forums to be arranged JULY-AUGUST General Assembly 1st week of July to approve new school Constitution and Board New School Board – 1st meeting 14 July Staff and school community advised of next steps 5th combined staff forum to be arranged 4th Integration Working Group forums to be arranged Meet with student leaders and students to update TERM 1, 2019 New combined school begins

21 Next forum Saturday 7 April?
What have we missed? Concluding remarks Next forum Saturday 7 April?

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