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Results of World War II.

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1 Results of World War II


3 Questions How would you react?
If you were living in Europe and you lived through the war, what would you want to see done to the aggressors?

4 The Nuremberg Trials

5 Format _____________ ___ Judges (2 each from ________, ______, and _______) Established a permanent international court

6 The Major War Criminals Trial
I. Nuremberg, Germany ____________ II. 13 trials III. ______ individuals, __ Nazi organizations indicted Stalin wanted to execute 50, ,000 German officers, Churchill considered execution w/out trial IV. ____ found guilty, ___ sentenced to death

7 Nazi Leadership Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Joseph Goebbels all commit suicide in spring 1945 Herman Goring committed suicide night before his execution in 1946

8 Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings
_______________ ____ Nazi leaders were put on trial ____ sentenced to hang _____ were given prison sentences ____ were acquitted


10 The Marshall Plan


12 The European Recovery Plan
________ given to finance economic recovery of Europe U.S. provided funds Wanted to stop the _______ from gaining influence

13 Soviet Reaction USSR felt U.S. interfered in internal affairs of other countries Prevented ______ and _____________ from participating

14 Question Could this lead to tensions between the United States and Soviet Union? What was the ensuing conflict called?

15 Alliances NATO Warsaw Pact _____________________ (1949)
Between Western Democratic nations Named after ______________ (1955) Between Soviet-dominated communist countries of Eastern Europe


17 The United Nations _____________________
Conference in San Francisco overseen by President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, & Joseph Stalin in April 1945 Created to resolve international conflict without resulting in war ______ original members Now there are _______ Similar to the League of Nations after WW I

18 Israel Created ___________ Homeland for Jewish population
Recognized by Pres. Truman same day Homeland for Jewish population First in over _________ III. Fighting broke out immediately between __________ & _________

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