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Summary of the 1st two days achievements

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1 Summary of the 1st two days achievements
Workshop On Financing For Renewable Energy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Summary of the 1st two days achievements Rabhi Abdessalem Task Manager, Senior Policy Researcher

2 Back ground: Participants at the WS
Organizers Secretariat Observers MOEJ IGES GIZ USDS AIT GGGI IRENA NZ SPC Supply side Matching Demand Side Donors World Bank GEF (GCF) UNDP ADB EU (Delegation for the Pacific) SIDS 1. A. Samoa 8. Papa New Guinea 2. Cook Island 9. Samoa 3. Fiji 10. Solomon Island 4. FSM 11. Tonga 5. Kiribati 12. Tuvalu 6. Nauru 13. Vanuatu 7. Palau

3 Day One – 01 December 2016 Session 1: Opening Session
Session 2: Framing Session/Workshop introduction Session 3: SIDS Update (Presentation by SPC) Session 4: Early stage project development to access public funding (Presentation by ADB) Session 5: ADB status update on SIDS Session 6: GEF status update on SIDS Session 7: World Bank status update on SIDS Session 8: Key EU funding programs EU Session 9: Summary of the first day

4 Day Two – 02 December 2016 Session 10: NZ Clean Energy Cooperation in the Pacific Session 11: Outline of key support from UNDP Session 12: Introduction to Breakout Session – RE Project Status Check & Review Session 13A: Regional Capacity Building Proposals Session 13B: Energy Efficiency in Transport Sector Session 14: RE project status check and analysis Session 15: Reporting on findings from break out sessions and wrap up.

5 Key expectations as highlighted by SIDS
1) To learn about new project ideas; 2) To learn about available funds and how to access to them?

6 Key achievements -Updates on ongoing efforts in SIDS were shared and discussed; -The application strategy, steps and process, investment criteria were explained and discussed; -The importance of addressing transport sector was confirmed; -The importance of holding “in country” capacity building and crafting it in a more strategic way was highlighted. -Numerous challenges and opportunities, at the demand and supply sides, were identified; -The importance of SIDS2SIDS coordination/cooperation was highlighted; -The importance of coordination/cooperation among funding agencies (F2F) was highlighted; -The need for more handholding of funding agencies to SIDS was emphasized. Opportunities and challenges in term of RE deployment/RE Development

7 Among key messages to SIDS:
-It is very important to be familiar with the GCF concept note (it is central to the success of an application, so please read it) -You must be familiar/ready that GCF would like to see that a lot of homework has been done before the application so to ensure that the project is viable. Among key messages to donors: -How to evaluate the comparative advantage among donors? -It is important for a country to choose which partner/donor to use to mobilize extra fund.

8 Key expectations on day3:
Key observations The willingness and readiness to act is top high among all participants; The presentations were comprehensive and informative enough on latest updates, opportunities and challenges; The break out sessions were interactive and number of “food for thoughts” were generated on what could be done as follow up activities Key expectations on day3: 1) The focus to be beyond just GCF fund; 2) To receive more opinions from SIDS 3) Develop advanced draft of an “Outcome Document” of this WS and share/discuss what should be considered in future activities.

9 Day Three – 03 December 2016 -Program-
09:15 – 11:00 Session 17: Beyond traditional way of financing 11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:30 – 13:00 Session 18: Building a project follow-up framework 13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH 14:00 – 16:30 Session 19: Planning for the next steps 16:30 – 17:00 Wrap up and summary of the workshop by USG

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