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Dr. Bob Mann Western Illinois University

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Bob Mann Western Illinois University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Bob Mann Western Illinois University
What’s In A Name? Dr. Bob Mann Western Illinois University

2 Everybody Has a Name It provides a great source for data
For conversation For student engagement and investment

3 This presentation focuses on using names to cover many items from Data Analysis
It’s not a great talk It’s not a bad talk I would say it is average, but that would be mean 

4 Warm-Up: My Real Age There are 10 students in a room. Their average age is 18 years. I walk into the room and now the average age for that room is 21. What is my age? Think about it…. Share solutions? Content and problem solving??

5 Back to Names Think about if you wrote out your first and last name.
How many letters would there be? For my name, Bob Mann, for example there would be 7 Carefully count the letters in your name and then use a marker to record that number in BIG, easy to read print on a sticky-note. Then place your sticky note on our board or wall.

6 We now have data—but we can we say about the number of letters in a person’s name?
How can we organize this data? How can we describe this data? How can we summarize this data?

7 My Real Name….. I fibbed a little My actual name is
Roberto VanManninghamMcLearyO’Sullivanowskitropolis That has 49 letters What happens when Roberto joins our group???

8 We now have data—but we can we say about the number of letters in a person’s name?
How can we organize this data? How can we describe this data? How can we summarize this data?

9 What can we learn from analyzing names?
Outliers? Mean, Median, Mode Standard Deviation Box-Plots and IQR Shapes of data and data displays

10 Thanks for Attending! Email: Roberto VanManninghamMcLearyO’

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