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DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts.

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Presentation on theme: "DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts."— Presentation transcript:

1 DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts.
Last updated: April-2005

2 Overview Overview of BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts.
With your system set up to use BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. functionality is provided that increases the flexibility of the Works Order process by allowing an alternative or supersession bill of materials (assembly) or route to be loaded These alternative and supersession assemblies can be used in place of the master assemblies on the Bills of Material reports and included when revaluing your products The existing 'where used' functionality is also extended to allow identification of the use of a component in any alternative or supersession assemblies DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

3 Master Files DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts.
Last updated: April-2005

4 Alternative Routes This option allows you to define alternative and supersession routes for a master route or stock code – the sequence of operations, materials and tools involved in producing the product Firstly, enter or select the route code or stock code you wish to define an alternative or supersession for Note: If you define a stock code as the master route, you cannot enter a supersession – the fields Start date and End date are not available DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

5 Alternative Routes You now give your route a name – this field is completely free-format If you have multiple alternatives with the same name you can use this field to define the variant As this particular record is the current supersession to the standard master route the date it became effective is defined... …and the Active alternative checkbox is ticked – the End date is blank because either this route is not yet obsolete or it is a permanent change Note: The record automatically becomes a supersession if you define a Start date The Start date of one supersession cannot overlap the end date of another supersession DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

6 Alternative Routes These Note lines are for you to attach extra information to your alternative or supersession route – this text is displayed in all cross-reference browses and is shown whenever you select an alternative route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

7 Alternative Routes When you confirm your alternative or supersession route record you add it to the Route to Alternative Cross Reference file, you are then presented with the opportunity of selecting a route from which to load existing details into this route – for this example, an alternative route and variant has been selected as its operations most closely match this new supersession route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

8 Alternative Routes You have now progressed to the standard Routes entry option The Route code displayed is your alternative or supersession route’s Alternative name (see slide 5)... …and Variant (this supersession route did not have a Variant) However the the rest of the details – both header information and operation details – have been loaded from the alternative route and variant selected on the previous slide (slide 7) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

9 Alternative Routes This additional field shows the number of alternative or supersession assemblies on file that use this route as their default route Note: This field is suspended from normal use however you can use your Forms Designer to add it, if required From this point, you can amend the header information/operation details (CR-Accept), or if none of the details loaded from the selected master, alternative or supersession route need changing, you can complete the route (ESC-Abandon) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

10 Routes If you open this option directly from the menu, additional functionality to that available via the Alternative Routes option recognises the alternative and supersession routes stored in the Route to Alternative Cross Reference file If you load the details for an existing master route record the number of alternative and supersession routes on file for it are shown, along with the number of alternative or supersession assemblies on file that use this route as their default route Note: These fields are also suspended from normal use however as before (slide 9), you can use your Forms Designer to add them if required This particular master route has 2 alternative and 2 supersession routes on file for it No alternative or supersession assemblies use this route as their default route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

11 Routes You can also choose to replace the master route record by its current supersession or by an alternative route – type in the Route code then select the F8-Copy route action …or you can replace it with a specific route of your choice – select the ESC-Abandon action then go to slide 16 You can use the active supersession route if one exists – select the CR-Accept action then go to slide 12... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

12 Routes If you choose to replace the master route with the current supersession route (CR-Accept) you might be prompted to replace the master route's current revision number with the revision number defined against the supersession route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

13 Routes The original master route details are then replaced by the supersession route’s details The Route code and Description remain the same, however... …the Special comments and remaining header information are loaded from the supersession route’s header information (see slide 8)... …and the operations are replaced by the supersession route’s operations DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

14 Routes The last change is to the associated alternative and supersession route information – this supersession master route still has 2 alternatives on file and no alternative or supersession assemblies using it as their master route, however it now only has 1 supersession route on file The second supersession route (see slide 10) has now become the master route – this is shown on the following slide which is a browse of the Routes to Alternative Cross Reference file via the Alternative Routes option DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

15 Alternative Routes As the supersession route ALLOYWHEEL SR (see slide 11) is now the master route ALLOYWHEEL, it is no longer listed in the Routes to Alternative Cross Reference file The remaining routes are an inactive supersession route discussed on the previous slide (slide 14)... …and 2 alternative routes DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

16 Routes If you choose to replace the master route with a specific route you can select any master route or an alternative route and variant with which to replace it DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

17 Routes The original master route details are then replaced by the selected route’s details As for the supersession route (slide 13), the Route code and Description remain the same... …the Special comments and remaining header information are loaded from the selected route’s header information... …and the operations are replaced by the selected route’s operations DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

18 Routes There is, however, a difference in the associated alternative and supersession route information – this ‘new’ master route still has 2 supersession routes on file and no alternative or supersession assemblies using it as their master route, but it still has 2 alternative routes on file – the alternative route selected to replace the master route has not been removed from the Routes to Alternative Cross Reference file DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

19 Alternative Assemblies
This option allows you to define alternative and supersession ‘bills’ for a master assembly record or stock code – structured information for making and costing a product As for Alternative Routes (slide 4), enter or select the assembly or stock code you wish to define an alternative or supersession for Note: If you define a stock code as the master assembly, you cannot enter a supersession – the fields Start date and End date are not available DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

20 Alternative Assemblies
You now give your assembly a name – this field is completely free-format... …and if you have multiple alternatives with the same name, use this field to define the variant As for the alternative route defined on slide 4, this particular assembly is the current supersession to the standard master assembly, the date it became effective is therefore defined... …the Active alternative checkbox is ticked and the End date is blank because this assembly is a permanent change As for Alternative Routes: The record automatically becomes a supersession if you define a Start date The Start date of one supersession cannot overlap the end date of another supersession DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

21 Alternative Assemblies
This supersession assembly uses the route defined on slide 4 which is the current supersession to the standard master route These Note lines are for you to attach extra information to your alternative or supersession assembly – this text is displayed in all cross-reference browses and is shown whenever you select an alternative assembly DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

22 Alternative Assemblies
When you confirm your alternative or supersession assembly record you add it to the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file, you are then presented with the opportunity of selecting an assembly from which to load existing details into this assembly – this example again uses an alternative assembly and variant as its components most closely match the new supersession assembly DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

23 Alternative Assemblies
You have now progressed to the standard Assemblies entry option The Assembly code displayed is your alternative or supersession assembly’s Alternative name (see slide 20)... …and Variant (this supersession assembly did not have a Variant)... …and Description... …and the rest of the details – both header information and component details – have been loaded from the alternative assembly and variant selected on the previous slide (slide 22) From this point, you can amend the header information/component details, as required (CR-Accept) or, if none of the details loaded from the selected master, alternative or supersession assembly need changing, you can complete the assembly (ESC-Exit) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

24 Assemblies As for the Routes option, this option has been modified to recognise and utilise alternative and supersession assemblies stored in the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file If you load the details for an existing master assembly record the number of alternative and supersession assemblies on file for it are shown Note: These fields are also suspended from normal use however you can use your Forms Designer to add them, if required This particular master assembly has 5 alternative and 2 supersession assemblies on file for it DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

25 Assemblies You can also choose to replace the master assembly record by its current supersession or by an alternative assembly – type in the Assembly code then select the F8-Copy assembly action …or you can replace it with a specific assembly of your choice, this can be another master assembly or an alternative assembly and variant – select the ESC-Abandon action You can use the active supersession assembly if one exists – select the CR-Accept action... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

26 Assemblies Lastly, if you need to delete a master assembly you can optionally delete its supersession and alternative assemblies – delete the master assembly first... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

27 Assemblies ... the alternative and supersession assemblies are then displayed in turn Select the CR-Confirm action to delete the alternative or supersession assembly displayed or ESC-Exit to leave the alternative or supersession assembly on file DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

28 In conclusion: If you replace your master route or assembly by its current active supersession the supersession will not be available for optional selection when loading the master route / assembly onto a works order – you should only, therefore, replace the master route or assembly by its supersession if the supersession is a permanent change or the 'old' master route / assembly is obsolete If you replace your master route or assembly by an alternative route / assembly and variant the alternative remains available for optional selection when loading the master route / assembly onto a works order DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

29 Applying Supersessions and Alternatives to Works Orders
DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

30 Works Orders This option has been enhanced to allow you to manufacture a product using an alternative or supersession bills of material, or route To apply the supersession bills of material you confirm the works order header information... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

31 Works Orders ...the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file is then checked automatically in conjunction with the system keys BMSUPERLD and BMSUPERDAT for supersessions to the defined bill of material (Assembly code) …or keeping the original bill of material If BMSUPERLD is set to PROMPT and a supersession bill of material exists for the selected product you are given the choice of using the supersession bill of material… Note, however, that the supersession bill of material automatically replaces the entered bill of material if BMSUPERLD is set to ALWAYS DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

32 Works Orders For this works order, the supersession bill of material has been selected (CR-Accept on previous slide) – the Assembly code remains the same… …but the Description and remaining header information is obtained from the supersession bill of material (see slides )... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

33 Works Orders …and the Component Details are as per the supersession bill of material (see slide 23) These components would be set to 2.00 litres (0.5lt x 4) if the original master Assembly code had not been superseded (see slide 24) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

34 Works Orders To manufacture the product using an alternative bills of material you select the F8-Alternative BoM action when you have entered the works order header information – see slide 30 You can then select any master assembly or alternative assembly and variant to manufacture – you are, however, prompted to use the supersession bill of material if one exists (see slide 31) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

35 Works Orders This sample screen shows the records in the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file for the Assembly code ALLOYWHEEL (via the F2-Browse action on the field Alternative assembly on the previous slide) – as the bill of material ALLOYWHEEL SR is the supersession to the master bill of material ALLOYWHEEL, it is not available for selection DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

36 Works Orders As with selecting the supersession bill of material (slide 32), the Assembly code to be manufactured for this works order remains the same... ...but the Description, remaining header information and component details are replaced by the details from your selected alternative bill of material record DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

37 Works Orders The loading of a supersession or an alternative route onto a works order works in much the same way as loading a supersession or an alternative bill of material to manufacture onto the works order When you confirm the works order header information you are prompted to load a route – you can load the standard route (CR), an alternative route (this can be a master route or an alternative route and variant) (F8) or you can choose not to load a route at all (ESC) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

38 Works Orders Whether you select to load the standard route or an alternative route, if WSSUPERLD is set to PROMPT you are prompted to load the supersession route for the original master Assembly code if a supersession route exists The original master Assembly code is checked against the Route to Alternative Cross Reference file in conjunction with the system keys WSSUPERLD and BMSUPERDAT to obtain any active supersession route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

39 Application of the appropriate route when loading the standard route onto a works order (CR-Load standard route action - slide 37): Where the master Assembly code has been replaced by: its supersession or an alternative bill of material – the default route defined on the supersession or alternative bill of material record is loaded its supersession or an alternative bill of material but the supersession or alternative bill of material record does not have the default route defined – the route for the original master Assembly code is loaded its supersession bill of material automatically (system key WSSUPERLD is set to ALWAYS) – the default route is loaded using these same principles, i.e. the default route defined on the supersession bill of material record is loaded or the route for the original master Assembly code is loaded if the default route has not been defined DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

40 Works Orders For this example the supersession route has been loaded – the operations are as detailed on slide 8 as the default route is defined on the supersession assembly record on slide 21 DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

41 When confirming the works order:
The works order details are stored in the Works Order Cost file if your system is set up to use Manufacturing Variances (DA0501) – a flag is set in this file to display the following: if a supersession assembly has been loaded onto the order if an alternative assembly has been loaded onto the order which route has been loaded onto the order – the standard, supersession or alternative route Note: If you load a supersession bill of material onto the works order then modify the date of the order you MUST run the option Load Assemblies to reload the bill of material onto the works order (see the next slide) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

42 Load Assemblies This option allows you to change the product to be manufactured on an existing works order to a different bill of materials (assembly) You can change the product to be manufactured on either a single works order... …or a range of works orders The bill of material must be reloaded onto the order as the master assembly on the original order had been superseded and the supersession might not now apply For this example the date of the works order (see slides ) has been put forward – the Due date is now Jan DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

43 Load Assemblies The supersession ALLOYWHEEL SR happens to be a permanent supersession to the standard ALLOYWHEEL – this is demonstrated on slide 20 – as the system key BMSUPERLD is set to PROMPT you are prompted to reload the supersession bill of material onto the works order Note: The supersession bill of material automatically replaces the standard bill of materials if the system key BMSUPERLD is set to ALWAYS and you load the standard bill of materials (i.e. you selected the CR-Load assembly action on the previous slide) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

44 Load Assemblies If you had chosen to load a different bill of materials altogether onto the works order (you selected the F8-Load alternative action on slide 42) or you decided not to load the supersession bill of material (you selected the ESC-Use original action on slide 43) you can choose any master assembly or alternative assembly and variant to manufacture instead Note: As for Works Orders, the supersession bill of material ALLOYWHEEL SR is not available for selection – only master assemblies, and alternative assemblies and their variants are available for selection DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

45 Load Assemblies If you had chosen to load a different bill of materials onto a range of works orders (you selected the F6-Ranges action on slide 42) you can tick this checkbox if you want to automatically load the supersession bill of material for the defined Finished product if one exists You select the F8-Alternatives action to choose the bill of materials to load – the form displayed is as per the previous slide (slide 44) with master assemblies, and alternative assemblies and their variants available for selection DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

46 Load Assemblies Confirmation that the works order has been updated is displayed when your chosen action is complete A works order must be at one of the following statuses to allow the original product to be manufactured to be changed to a different bill of materials: A – Awaiting Issue H – Held by Operator I – Work In Progress (and with no stock issued to it) T – Trial Kit DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

47 Load Routes onto Works Order
This option allows you to change the route on an existing works order to a different route – the functionality is very similar to that provided by the option Load Assemblies You can change the route on either a single works order... …or a range of works orders Note that a route can only be reloaded onto a works order if time has not been booked against any of the operations in the route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

48 Load Routes onto Works Order
To change the route on a single works order, delete the existing route (you will have to confirm this action)... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

49 Load Routes onto Works Order
…then select the route of your choice – this can be the standard route (CR), an alternative route, where the alternative route is a master route or an alternative route and variant (F8), or you can create a special route just for this works order (ESC) DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

50 Load Routes onto Works Order
Whether you select to load the standard route or an alternative route, if WSSUPERLD is set to PROMPT you are prompted to load the supersession route for the original master Assembly code if a supersession route exists The supersession route automatically replaces the standard route if WSSUPERLD is set to ALWAYS and you load the standard route, i.e. you selected CR-Load route on the previous slide As for Works Orders, the original master Assembly code is checked against the Route to Alternative Cross Reference file in conjunction with the system keys WSSUPERLD and BMSUPERDAT to obtain any active supersession route DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

51 Raising Works Orders via Planning
DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

52 When planning your current and future material requirements:
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) incorporates supersession and alternative bills of material in current and future material requirements: When performing the preparatory run before using MRP or forecasts (GRP) for the first time – option Prepare for MRP/GRP Run – supersession and alternative bills of material are included in the checks and calculations When generating recommendations – option Generate MRP Recommendations – components of supersession assemblies provide the demand information for items that are to be manufactured, where the system key BMSUPERDAT determines that the supersession assembly should be used if the system key BMSUPERLD is set to PROMPT Material Requirements Planning (MRP) allows you to raise works orders directly from sales orders, planning recommendations and forecasts – supersession and alternative bills of material and/or routes can be incorporated, as required DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

53 Adjust Recommendations
This option allows you to manually adjust order recommendations raised via the option Generate MRP Recommendations and to generate an order directly from a recommendation …supersessions to the bill of materials or route are considered if you tick these checkboxes... …and alternatives are considered if you select the F8-Alternatives action... When you select the F11-Action action to generate an order for a new recommendation, if the recommendation is to generate a works order… DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

54 Adjust Recommendations
…both alternatives to the bill of materials to be manufactured... DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

55 Adjust Recommendations
This functionality is also available when actioning a recommendation to raise a new works order via the option Predict Future Stock Balance …and alternatives to the route (where you have also opted to load routes onto works orders) As for Works Orders, the original master Assembly code is checked against the Bill of Material / Route to Alternative Cross Reference files in conjunction with the system keys BMSUPERLD / WSSUPERLD and BMSUPERDAT to obtain any active supersession bill of material or route respectively DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

56 When generating works orders automatically:
You can also generate works orders via the following options: Raise Approved Orders Raise Orders from Forecast Raise Works Orders from MPS Raise Works Orders from Sales The following slides only demonstrate how to incorporate supersession bills of material and/or routes in works orders that are raised automatically via the option Raise Works Orders from Sales – the functionality is, however, the same in all options listed above DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

57 Raise Works Orders from Sales
This option allows you to raise works orders directly from your requirements These checkboxes are only displayed if the system key BMSUPERLD... …and WSSUPERLD is set to ALWAYS or PROMPT Tick the required checkbox(es) to load any assembly or route supersessions on file when you create the works orders – the system key BMSUPERDAT determines when a supersession assembly or route should be used DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

58 Raise Works Orders from Sales
Assembly supersessions always take precedence, so if an active supersession assembly is loaded in place of the original item to be manufactured, the default route for the supersession assembly is also loaded if this field is set to ‘y’ – if no default route is specified the route for the original original master assembly, i.e. the original item to be manufactured is loaded The supersession to the selected route is loaded if one exists DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

59 Generate Rough Cut Plan
This option allows you to generate a plan for a specified range of production orders, or forecasts, for a given time period The run time parameters include this checkbox if the system key WSSUPERLD is set to PROMPT If you tick this checkbox and routes are loaded onto works orders during the planning run, route supersessions are considered and loaded where applicable – they are also considered for the production plan If you leave this field unchecked the standard route is loaded Note that routes already loaded onto works orders are not superseded during the planning run DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

60 Calculating Bills of Material Costs
DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

61 Costing bills of material:
You can calculate bills of material costs, including supersession and alternatives costs, via the following reports: Costed Bills of Material Costed Losses – for scrap and reject costs Standard Cost Variances You can also use these reports to compare different costing methods without affecting your live system – you can report upon the overall change in the proposed stock valuation based on an alternative cost to the cost defined in the system key STCOSTTYPE where, for each item revalued, the total cost is calculated as the Change in Cost * the Quantity on Hand The following slides only demonstrate how to incorporate supersession and alternative bills of material and/or routes in your cost calculations via the Costed Bills of Material report – the functionality is, however, the same in all reports listed above DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

62 Costed Bills of Material
This option allows you to calculate expected costs for bills of material based upon production today You can set a specific date for the cost calculations Note that inclusion of an assembly supersession in the cost calculations is determined by this date – see slide 64 DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

63 Costed Bills of Material
You can also report upon an alternative to the default cost by defining the costing method Note that the default value for this field is defined in the system key STCOSTTYPE DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

64 Costed Bills of Material
To calculate costs for all alternative assemblies for a master assembly, tick this checkbox To include the current supersession assembly for a master assembly in the calculations, tick this checkbox The route included in the calculations for each alternative or supersession assembly is the route defined as the default route on the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file for the alternative / supersession assembly – this might be the standard route or a supersession route – if a default route has not been defined for a supersession assembly the supersession route is used if it exists Alternatives and supersessions to subassemblies are not included in the costs DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

65 Product Revaluation This option allows you to recalculate your bills of material costs and update these costs to the Stock file Leave these checkboxes ticked to use the costs from active supersession assemblies and alternative routes, including supersession routes, in the revaluation calculations – the active supersession is determined simply by the system date for the revaluation run – alternatives and supersessions to subassemblies are not included in the rolled up costs If this field is set to r or b so that costs are taken from the Routing file, if an active supersession assembly is used in the cost revaluation the route costs are taken from the default route defined on the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference record – this might be the standard route or a supersession route – if the default route has not been defined for a supersession assembly the route defined for the master assembly is used, with the supersession route used where it exists DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

66 Identifying and Reporting upon Bills of Material Components
DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

67 Reporting upon components:
You can report upon the components in a bill of material via the following reports: Costed Explosions Indented Explosions Where Used As for the costing reports detailed on slide (Costed Bills of Material, Costed Losses and Standard Cost Variances) the Costed and Indented Explosions reports can also be run to explode the bills of material on a specific date – similarly, inclusion of an assembly supersession, including subassembly supersessions in the report is determined by this date These reports also make checkboxes available for including details of supersession assemblies and subassemblies and/or alternative assemblies for a master assembly in the report The Where Used report references the system key BMSUPERLD – if set to PROMPT or ALWAYS the report can show where a component has been included in alternative and supersession assemblies DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

68 Enquiring upon components:
You can identify the use of a component in any alternative or supersession bills of material via the following options: Indented Explosions Where Used Both of these enquiry options reference the system key BMSUPERLD – if set to PROMPT or ALWAYS the Indented Explosions enquiry makes a checkbox available for including alternative and supersession assemblies in the calculated quantities Where Used enquiry automatically shows the alternative and supersession assemblies in which the component has been used – the results of this enquiry are demonstrated on the following slide DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

69 Where Used enquiry This option allows you to view the assemblies and subassemblies in which a given component is used These characters denote the assembly type – in this example the component BB AXLE is used in both alternative (A) and supersession assemblies (S) To view details about these alternative and supersession assemblies and subassemblies select the F8-Alt.details action twice Note that the system key BMSUPERLD must be set to PROMPT or ALWAYS to include alternative and supersession assembly information DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

70 Where Used enquiry The details on this form are obtained from the Bill of Material to Alternative Cross Reference file DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

71 Creating Job Costing Estimates
DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

72 When creating Job Costing estimates:
When creating Job Costing estimates – option Create Job Costing Estimates – you can use supersession and alternative bills of material and/or routes having first defined the product for which the estimate is being created and/or the route being followed in producing or processing a product If the system key BMSUPERLD/WSSUPERLD is set to PROMPT or ALWAYS, the Bill of Material / Route to Alternative Cross Reference file is searched for supersessions to the defined product / route – if a supersession is found then a choice is given to accept the supersession (as detailed in Works Orders, slides 31 and 38) If no supersessions are found the Alternative selection form is displayed (as detailed on slide 34) – if you select an alternative assembly and variant you might be prompted to load the default route defined on the alternative assembly record If no alternative assemblies or routes have been loaded and BMSUPERLD is set, assembly supersessions are considered – if a supersession is found, you are given the option of using it and an option of using the default route (if the default route is defined on the supersession record) If the route code has remained unchanged and WSSUPERLD is set, route supersessions are considered – if a supersession is found, the option to use it is offered DA0492 BOM /Route Supersessions & Alts. Last updated: April-2005

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