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Coordinating And Prioritizing Multimodal Transportation Projects

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1 Coordinating And Prioritizing Multimodal Transportation Projects
Rachel B. Copperman, Michael P. Devlin, Ryan M. Ewalt, Tamika A. Lockhart, James H. Lambert, and Kenneth D. Peterson Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems and Department of Systems and Information Engineering University of Virginia Mike d. Prepared for the IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium April 16, 2004

2 Problem Statement The need for a process in which multimodal transportation projects are developed, prioritized, and implemented for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Mike d.

3 Overview Background of VTrans2025 Sponsors
Multimodal Investment Network Concept Process for MIN Implementation MIN Application Rating and Prioritization Workbook Conclusion Mike d.

4 Background of VTrans2025 In 2002 the Virginia General Assembly passed a bill calling for the development of a statewide multimodal long-range transportation plan The purpose of VTrans2025 is to create a more efficient and better transportation system in Virginia by planning twenty years in the future Mike d.

5 Sponsors Whittington Clement Secretary of Transportation The capstone team primarily worked with the VTrans2025 Technical Committee, composed of representatives from highways, rail and public transit, aviation, and port. VTrans2025 Policy Committee Mike d. VTrans2025 Technical Committee Capstone Team

6 Multimodal Investment Network Concept
A Multimodal Investment Network (MIN) is a group of interdependent and interrelated transportation projects that reflect statewide goals and objectives involving more then one mode of transportation. Mike d.

7 Multimodal Investment Networks
Dulles Airport Access Corridor Hampton Roads Multimodal Access Richmond to Hampton Roads Passenger Mobility Interstate 64 Corridor Interstate 95 Passenger and Goods Movement Interstate 73 Corridor/ Franklin County Airport Access Interstate 81 Passenger and Goods Movement Coalfields Access Route 29 Corridor Northern Virginia Connections Port Accessibility and Mobility Virginia Bicycling and Pedestrian System Emergency Transportation Mike d.

8 Process for MIN Implementation
MIN and Sponsors are Identified Sponsors Submit MIN Application Multimodal Policy Committee Prioritizes MINs for Implementation Rachel Technical Committee Scores and Ranks all Submitted MINs Modal Agencies Incorporate MINs in Programming

9 MIN Application The MIN Application is comprised of three Forms:
MIN Summary MIN Report MIN Criteria Notes Rachel

10 MIN Summary Rachel

11 MIN Report I. Introduction
II. Need and purpose of the multimodal system III. Rationale for the selected alternative IV. System integration and implementation plan Rachel

12 MIN Criteria Notes Rachel, Outline VTrans2025 goals first

13 Scoring the MINs Ryan, Explain expansion of table

14 Comparison of Weighting Policies
Ryan .

15 Scores and Ranking … … Weighted Scores within each Policy
Rankings within each Policy Ryan, (change “other” to “survey research”, add other visual ranking as a bitmap), Add slide of webpage letting everyone know all we worked on  where we are going

16 MIN Applications in Progress
Ryan, (change “other” to “survey research”, add other visual ranking as a bitmap), Add slide of webpage letting everyone know all we worked on  where we are going

17 Accomplishments Our work to help define, facilitate, and develop the MIN development and prioritization process included: Define the MIN development and prioritization process Modeling of web interfaces to help facilitate the process Testing of the prioritization system prototype using example MINs Ryan, add slide of clement’s letter after this slide

18 Letter from VA Secretary of Transportation

19 Questions? Ryan

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