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Welcome! 6th Grade Math Mrs. Katsoupas.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 6th Grade Math Mrs. Katsoupas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 6th Grade Math Mrs. Katsoupas

2 Scheduled Math Blocks Each Block is 67 minutes Period 1-2A Period 2B-3

3 Daily Procedures Write homework assignments and reminders in your student planner. Complete “Do Now”. Go over homework - make corrections with the class. Follow lesson and activity.

4 Homework Expect homework 3-4 nights a week.
Show all work for full credit! (Use examples from class to guide you.) Homework will be given full credit only if it is submitted on the due date. Headings, neatness, and corrections are required. Late work submitted the following day counts as 50%.

5 Quizzes Most Fridays are Quiz days.
Pay attention in class, ask questions and prepare for your quizzes. Extra help is always available. Days fluctuate but are always posted in the classroom and on the Class Page in advance.

6 Tests Tests will be given at the end of each topic.
Please review your child’s tests and quizzes with them.

7 Grading System Tests 35% Quizzes 25% Homework 20%
Classwork & Participation 20%   %

8 What is Participation? “Do Nows”
Class Activities/Group as well as Individual Work Preparation Binder Checks

9 Contacts Email: Mrs. Katsoupas
Website: Goetz Middle School (732) leave a message in the main office

10 Resources Math resources and class assignments can be accessed online through the Goetz website. All students have received a copy of the log in instructions and have placed it in the Math binder. Xtra Math will be used to develop fluency and automaticity in calculations.

11 Most of this information can be found on my teacher page. Visit www
Most of this information can be found on my teacher page. Visit Click on Select a School, Scroll down to Goetz Middle School. Click on Teacher Pages and find my name alphabetically

12 Resources Please practice multiplication facts with your child often.
Additional resources for practice: *More resources can be found on my class page.

PARCC SMI Scholastic Math Inventory

14 Attitude is more important
Remember… For SUCCESS, Attitude is more important than ability! JUST TRY!

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