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What can we learn from stories?

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Presentation on theme: "What can we learn from stories?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we learn from stories?

2 Folktale / Folk-tale Fiction story that comes from a specific country or culture. A folk-tale reflects the customs or beliefs of the people. Folktales originally began as stories told by word of mouth. The characters may be people or animals. Folktales have a moral or teach a lesson. Usually a character in a folktale must face an impossible test.

3 Types of Folk-tales Fairy tales: Entertaining stories which reveal a lot about human nature; always end happily; animals may speak sometimes; wishes come true as a result of a test or struggle. Myths: explain the origins of life and/or elements of nature (how something came to be); usually have gods or supernatural beings. Legends: about heroes, individuals, or kings who lived before written record; embellished over time. Fables: short, simple tales which teach a lesson; have few characters, often animals; have a moral.

4 Laurence Yep San Francisco, CA, US 1948. He was born in San Francisco's Chinatown, but grew up in a black neighbourhood.

5 What can we learn from stories?
How to deal with issues in life. How to communicate with people. How to behave. Consequences of actions.

6 Fairy tale examples: Myth examples: Beauty and the Beast Cinderella
Sleeping Beauty Myth examples: Myth of Narcissus Myth of Hercules Myth of Zeus

7 Legend examples: Fables examples: King Arthur Sleepy Hollow
The Goose With the Golden Eggs The Man and the Wood

8 Questions Name the main characters in the story.
What is the setting of “Waters of Gold”? What trait do you think Auntie Lily represents? Why do you think the old woman gets this result when she tries to behave like Auntie Lily? What moral does this story convey?

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