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Senior English 3/20/17 Five minutes to prepare for Quiz 22.

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1 Senior English 3/20/17 Five minutes to prepare for Quiz 22.
Do you know the problem with political jokes? Catawampously – Defined as chest-out, big doggin’ bravado. Goals – Complete and correct quiz. Review what we have seen recently. What is going on with Hamlet and his mother? Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary #23 Friday. They get elected.

2 Senior English 3/21/17 What promise does Gertrude make to Hamlet? Do you think she will keep it? Why? Politicians and diapers should be changed regularly – and for the same reason. Anti-goddlin’ – uneven, out-of-whack. Goals –View Hamlet Act IV. The aftermath of the murder of Polonius. Discussion. Homework – None.

3 Senior English 3/22/17 How will Hamlet avoid the intentions of Claudius? What can we expect from Laertes? When is a door not a door? Rug rank – a higher ranking officer; those who rate a rug in their office. Goals – Discuss What is going on with each character at this stage of the play Homework – none. When it is ajar.

4 Senior English 3/23/17 What distinctions do you make between irrational and insane behavior? Why does society consider insanity a reasonable defense for murder? Why won’t sharks attack lawyers? Wargasm – the condition that occurs when all the nuclear and thermonuclear buttons get pushed. Goals – Complete watching Hamlet. Homework – Prepare for vocab. 23 tomorrow. Professional courtesy

5 Senior English 3/24/17 Complete Vocabulary #23 quiz.
Which are the strongest days? Cejijunto – unibrow Goals – Complete Quiz 23. Finish Hamlet or begin project materials. Homework – Use handout to begin work with your project. Saturday and Sunday, the others are week days.

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