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NB#2 – Creating a Society Activity The study of history focuses not just on memorizing facts, but on understanding perspective and precedent. - Get.

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Presentation on theme: "NB#2 – Creating a Society Activity The study of history focuses not just on memorizing facts, but on understanding perspective and precedent. - Get."— Presentation transcript:

1 NB#2 – Creating a Society Activity The study of history focuses not just on memorizing facts, but on understanding perspective and precedent. - Get out a sheet of binder paper - Write your name in the upper right-hand corner and title it: Notebook Assignment #2 – Creating a Society Activity 1

2 Part I - Brainstorm Rules for a Society
For this activity, pretend the whole population of the town you live in have been transported to an area with ample food and water, but otherwise totally cut off from the rest of the world. You have no way to contact the rest of the world and need to make some rules for your new society. Individually, think of 2 or 3 basic government, social and economic rules (6 to 9 total) you feel are necessary for the success of a large group (several thousand) of people living together. List the rules you come up with on your NB assignment #2 sheet under headings listed below. GOVERNMENT RULES: How will laws be created and enforced? SOCIAL RULES: What roles will different groups of people (ex: age, gender, race, religion, level of wealth) play in the society? ECONOMIC RULES: How will the distribution of resources (ex: land, water, fuel) be decided? 2

3 Part II- Group Rules Creation
You will be assigned to join a group of classmates. As a group, you should discuss the various government, social and economic rules you each came up with and come to consensus (consensus means most of group members agree) on rules for your society. After group discussion, EACH person should add the following to NB#2: Names of all group members List of Government, Social & Economic Rules all agreed upon. GOVERNMENT RULES: How will laws be created and enforced? SOCIAL RULES: What roles will different groups of people (ex: age, gender, race, religion, level of wealth) play in the society? ECONOMIC RULES: How will the distribution of resources (ex: land, water, fuel) be decided? Be ready to share & explain your Rules with the class 3

4 Part III - Individual Reflection
After class sharing & discussion, answer these reflection questions in complete and thoughtful sentences on NB #2 paper : Was the process of coming to agreement on rules easy or difficult for your group? Why? Were the rules created by various groups in class mainly similar or mainly different? Why? 3) Explain what you think the point of this activity was. (Hint - perspective and precedent) 4

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