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Presenting opportunities to study in the UK

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting opportunities to study in the UK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting opportunities to study in the UK

2 Introduction Richard Gatward: Principal Lecturer in Computer Science
Irene Glendinning: Academic Manager for Student Experience Introduction

3 Introduction Study: Internationally recognized qualification
Educational philosophy Postgraduate prospects Money: Costs to study Costs of living Earning possibilities Social and Cultural: The life of a student in Coventry Language Introduction

4 Where is Coventry? City of Coventry

5 Coventry University What sort of university are we? Founded in 1843
18,000 students Coventry University

6 International Profile
What sort of students come to Coventry 3000 international students 100 countries worldwide 28 years of European exchange experience International Profile

7 Faculty of Engineering and Computing
One of the largest technical faculties in the UK 4800 Students 250 teaching staff 150 support staff Industrial connections Jaguar, Land-Rover, Aston Martin, O2 12 active research groups High student satisfaction and employment Faculty of Engineering and Computing

8 Entry Requirements How can you achieve a bachelor degree?
To enter our bachelor programmes you will require a minimum of 120 ECTS credits You will need a suitable level of English Evidence of language studied or Recommendation from a member of staff from your home institution A bachelors degree with honours is achieved if you study and pass a further 60 ECTS credits at Coventry University Entry Requirements

9 Study Methods How do you acquire the 60 ECTS credits?
A bachelor degree with honours is completed by EU students in two parts September to June Students will study 5 modules (50 ECTS credits) August Project Management module studied via distance learning (10 ECTS credits) Results published in September Graduation in November for successful students Study Methods

10 Honours Degree, Technical
Technical Programmes B.Eng. (Honours) in European Engineering Studies B.Sc. (Honours) in Informatics B.Eng. (Honours) in European Construction Engineering Honours Degree, Technical

11 Honours Degree, Management
Management Programmes B.Sc. (Honours) in European Engineering Business Management B.A. (Honours) in European Logistics B.Sc. (Honours) in European Information Technology Management General Programme B.A. (Honours) in European Combined Studies Honours Degree, Management

12 Post graduate progressions
What can you do after you have completed your degree? Easy progression to higher degrees at Coventry M.B.A. M.Sc. M.A. Ph.D. Work or further study in an Anglophone country (Canada, U.S. New Zealand, Australia etc.) Return to study on the E.U. mainland Professional employment prospects Placement opportunities… Post graduate progressions

13 Leonardo da Vinci project
Work placements (6 months) post graduation in EU companies Free language training provided (if required) Opportunities in all EU countries eligible except country of origin and the UK Coventry is the largest provider of Leonardo placements in the UK Benefits: up to € 1,800/month, free employability training, EUROPASS certificate, Possible job offers after placements Leonardo da Vinci project

14 UK Masters degree is studied over 52 weeks (90 ECTS)
We offer taught masters degrees in the following topic areas: Engineering Management and Manufacturing Information Technology and Management Computer Science and Forensics Networks and Communications Systems and Control Engineering Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Civil Engineering and Construction Assistive Technologies Also masters degrees by Research and PhD programmes Study Options, Masters

15 Language What are the language requirements? All teaching in English
Study of English (as a subject/module) Encourage involvement in social activities Language

16 Educational philosophy
How do we study? Less hours in class, more guided project work and an “open-research” based culture Excellent support facilities Library IT facilities ‘Open Door’ policy Flexible timetables individually arranged Educational philosophy

17 Study Resources Library 400000 books 2500 Electronic databases
Open 0845–0000 7 day access Subject specialist librarians Bookable study resources Study Resources

18 Study resources Computing on Campus 24/7 access
Extensive professional software Wireless access in all buildings University residences have broadband access CU Online Study resources

19 Study resources Staff Access Open door tutorial policy
Staff availability and contact details published Access not restricted during office hours (within reason) Specialised admin support Study resources

20 Student care Student Centre
The Student Centre offers guidance to students on careers accommodation finance course registration funding issues Open normal business hours Student care

21 Employment prospects Careers Guidance
We support our graduates throughout their career with advice and guidance on their next step Dedicated, specialist advisors Guidance on CV writing Job Hunting Interview technique Selecting further study Employment prospects

22 Economic considerations
Costs to study in a English University Costs of living (in Coventry) Earning some money - Part-time jobs Economic considerations

23 Undergraduate fees What will be the cost for non-Erasmus?
Tuition fee for 2010 is £1650 Undergraduate students who are non-Erasmus are liable for the tuition fee Payment after you enrol or via instalments Undergraduate fees

24 Costs to study, Masters MSc – Approximately £3720
MBA – Approximately £7800 Fees can be paid in a number of instalments Costs to study, Masters

25 Accommodation – possible through the University
How much does it cost to live? Overall cost of living for students in Coventry is about £350 to £550/month This covers the cost of: Accommodation – possible through the University Food - eating like an English student Transport – good links from Coventry to most places Social life – Coventry has a large number of students Living costs

26 Earning some money Part-time employment:
Some jobs in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, through agencies and the University Jobs available in the Faculty and the University About 70% of students work part-time Normal pay is £6 to £8 per hour Recommendation, no more than 12 hours per week Earning some money

27 Social and cultural Students’ Union, based in 2 buildings on campus
Advice: legal, social, psychological Commerce: for student needs Societies: currently over 80 different activities organised Bars and clubs: Social and cultural

28 Sports Centre Sports and Activities

29 Reasons to study abroad
Enhances your C.V. Improved understanding of cultural difference Once in a lifetime opportunity Reasons to study abroad

30 Coventry University “The best decision”

31 Contact details For further advice please contact:
Contact details

32 BSc (Hons) European Engineering Business Management (EEBM)
This course is popular and is designed for students with a commercial background It introduces the study subjects required for successful operation of a commercial enterprise The 4 Mandatory modules include: Group business project Manufacturing business organisations Project management English language The 2 Optional modules from: Marketing, Finance, HRM, Industrial Entrepreneur, Purchasing, Logistics, International Business, etc. BSc (Hons) European Engineering Business Management (EEBM)

33 BSc (Hons) European Information Technology Management (EITM)
Course is intended for Management students with an background in IT It introduces the study subjects required for successful operation of an IT company or enterprise The 4 Mandatory modules include: Individual Information Technology project Computer Project Management Digital Technology and Society English language. The 2 Optional modules from: Business Info Mgmt. Strategy, M-commerce applications, Business simulation, Advanced Information Systems BSc (Hons) European Information Technology Management (EITM)

34 BA (Hons) European Logistics
Course is intended for Management students with a Logistics background It introduces the study subjects required for successful operation of an IT company or enterprise The 6 Mandatory modules include: Individual Logistics Project Global Logistics Procurement and Inventory Distribution Management Project Management English language BA (Hons) European Logistics

35 BEng (Hons) European Engineering Studies
Course is taken by the majority of technology students This allows a student to specialise in a chosen area and/or mix subject areas 1 Mandatory modules Individual Project 5 Optional Modules: From a range of modules including mechanical, electrical/electronic, aerospace, manufacturing management, motor sport, computing, telecommunication etc. English Language All students must study (or have studied) an element of management BEng (Hons) European Engineering Studies

36 BSc (Hons) Informatics
Course intended for students who wish to focus their study on computing and information systems related subjects 1 mandatory modules to include: Individual project in computing and information systems 5 Optional modules from: Knowledge and Information Management, Computer Science, Systems Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. BSc (Hons) Informatics

37 BEng (Hons) European Construction Engineering
Course intended for students who wish to focus their studies on Civil and Construction subjects 1 mandatory modules to include: Individual project in Civil / Construction topic 5 Optional modules from: Building, Architectural Design, Surveying, Construction etc. All students must study (or have studied) management topics English Language BEng (Hons) European Construction Engineering

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