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Revising vocabulary can be terribly boring….. ARE YOU REVISING HARD OR SMART ?

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Presentation on theme: "Revising vocabulary can be terribly boring….. ARE YOU REVISING HARD OR SMART ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revising vocabulary can be terribly boring….


3 Staring at your vocab lists is not real revision…

4 Lets try something better… Youll need: 5 pieces of paper 1 pen, 1 pencil 1 vocab list

5 List 1 – write here all easy words 1.Tu aimes 2.Jaime 3.Je naime pas 4.Faire du vélo 5.Regarder la télé 6.Faire du skate 7.Aller en ville 8.Nager 9.Lire 10.Je fais de la danse

6 List 2 – now write all difficult words 1.Je fais de lescalade 2.Retrouver mes amis 3.Jouer à lordinateur 4.Que fais-tu comme sport?

7 List 3 – copy list 2 without vowels 1.J_ f_ _ s d_ l_ sc_ l_ d_ 2.R_ tr_ _ v_ r m_ s _ m_ s 3.J_ _ _ r à l_ rd_ n_ t_ _ r 4.Q_ _ f_ _ s-t_ c_ mm_ sp_ rt?

8 Practise filling it in in pencil 1.J_ f_ _ s d_ l_ sc_ l_ d_ 2.R_ tr_ _ v_ r m_ s _ m_ s 3.J_ _ _ r à l_ rd_ n_ t_ _ r 4.Q_ _ f_ _ s-t_ c_ mm_ sp_ rt?

9 Rub it out, start again 1.J_ f_ _ s d_ l_ sc_ l_ d_ 2.R_ tr_ _ v_ r m_ s _ m_ s 3.J_ _ _ r à l_ rd_ n_ t_ _ r 4.Q_ _ f_ _ s-t_ c_ mm_ sp_ rt?

10 List 4 – write only 1 letter per word 1.J_ f___ d_ le___ 2.R____ m__ a___ 3.J____ à lo____ 4.Q__ f__-t_ c___ s______?

11 Practise filling it in in pencil 1.J_ f___ d_ le___ 2.R____ m__ a___ 3.J____ à lo____ 4.Q__ f__-t_ c___ s______?

12 1.J_ f___ d_ le___ 2.R____ m__ a___ 3.J____ à lo____ 4.Q__ f__-t_ c___ s______? Rub it out, start again

13 Take it further! Use all the words in both lists to write a creative paragraph. Join them using opinions, reasons & connectives

14 TEAM WORK Get someone to test you

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