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And their applications

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1 And their applications
Frequency combs And their applications

2 Program What is a frequency comb? What do we need them for?
The Kerr-effect Modelocking Dispersion management What do we need them for? Precision measurements Nonlinear optics What applications place which demands? How can we meet these demands?

3 A simple laser Note that this assumption is wrong!

4 Multimode operation

5 Multimode operation

6 Single mode operation

7 A modelocked laser We want to lase on as many modes as possible
Instead of etalons, we place an aperture Mode profile is cut, making the cavity leaky How does this help?

8 The Kerr effect In the AC Kerr effect, the refractive index depends on intensity Where does this nonlinearity come from? In the Lorentz model: oscillation charges are harmonic Of course, the potential electrons feel is not actually harmonic

9 The Kerr effect Typically: In short, we can write
In a Kerr medium, because of symmetry, so So indeed Typically:

10 The Kerr effect Optical thickness: The flat plate becomes a lens

11 A modelocked laser Kerr lens modelocking
The cavity works again if the intensity is high enough CW this would be impossible With short pulses, the peak intensity is high enough Kerr lens modelocking

12 Limits spectral width = 1/(pulse duration)
repetition rate = modespacing (see exercises) group velocity depends on wavelength red and blue parts of the pulse will dephase how can we compensate?

13 Solution prisms hard to align bulky hard to find the right glass!
chirped mirror engineer the dispersion hard to make, easy to use

14 Applications: a frequency ruler
Direct beat frequency < a few GHz Beating both with modelocked laser Figure out and with wavemeter and are always

15 Atomic hydrogen 1s2s 2s to 1s decay is dipole forbidden
Excite with 2-photon transition inside a cavity Applying an electric field that slightly mixes 2s and 2p The hydrogen atom emits a Lyman-α photon if it was excited The smaller the electric field, the smaller the signal, but how higher the accuracy

16 Atomic hydrogen 1s2s

17 Frequency measurement
We can measure a frequency difference with a high accuracy However, as we cannot measure absolute frequencies How can we figure out the offset and where does it come from? Dispersion: group velocity and phase velocity are different

18 High harmonic generation
Adapted from: Nature Physics 2, (2006)

19 F-2F Absolute optical frequency measurement
and carrier envelope phase stabilization

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