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The Global Economy and Moral Obligation

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Economy and Moral Obligation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Economy and Moral Obligation
Two kinds of duties: Negative duty—the duty not to harm. Positive duty—the duty to help. We may have special obligations to our compatriots, but We have a duty not to harm persons that applies to everyone.

2 Harm and the Global Economy
Global economic and political arrangements that harm people in developing countries. Supporting bad governments and coups Resource privilege Borrowing privilege Corrupting government officials Selling weapons Unfair trade arrangements. Restrictive borrowing policies. Working conditions that people in developed countries would not tolerate. Environmental degradation.

3 Harm and Obligation in the Global Economy
Since we have an obligation not to harm people, we have an obligation to resist harmful global arrangements, and/or to volunteer or contribute to organizations that are helping (e.g. Oxfam, Doctors without Borders).

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