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China under Hua Guofeng 华国锋

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Presentation on theme: "China under Hua Guofeng 华国锋"— Presentation transcript:

1 China under Hua Guofeng 华国锋
By Cat Cueva and Arielle Brokaw

2 Early Life In the late 1930s Hua was apart of the Anti-Japanese Guerilla forces within China. In the 1940s, Hua was named Propaganda Chief of of the county party committee In 1949, he joined the People’s liberation army He personally Oversaw many of Mao’s project

3 Power struggle With Mao’s health deteriorating a struggle for power occurred between Hua,and the gang of four with Jiang Qing as the head. Deng Xiaoping during this time was not strong enough to take power in China

4 Rise to Power Hua emerged Victorious from the struggle and by October of 1976 Hua took on the titles of Premier of the People’s republic of China, Chairman of the communist party of China, and the Chairman of the central Military Commission.

5 Policies and Reforms Hua reversed many Cultural-revolution era policies he allowed greater economic academic and artistic freedom he instituted a series of ambitious schemes for economic growth economic exchanges brought billions in foreign capital Instituted a 10 year plan

6 Propaganda

7 "With you in charge of business, I can relax"

8 Premier Hua Guofeng leader whose emergence marked the end of the Cultural Revolution quickly ousted the Gang of Four from political power short leadership term (6 October June 1981) Two Whatevers later denounced by Deng Xiaoping Officially lost his seat on the Central Committee of the CPC in 2002 Invited to the 17th Party Congress in 2007 as a special delegate

9 Later Days and Death Beijing, China quiet but quality life in Beijing
Gathered with delegate friends to honor Mao on his birthday and death 20 August 2008 died at the age of 87


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