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The World of Life Science

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1 The World of Life Science
Chapter 1 The World of Life Science


3 II. Why Take a Christian Approach?
A. Understanding Worldviews

4 1. Defining Worldview The overall perspective from which a person sees and interprets the world. A way of thinking about life.

5 2. How does a worldview help us?
It helps us shape how we think about all forms of life. Is human life precious? Is a new drug worth the death of hundreds of lab animals?

6 2. How does a worldview help us?
b) It helps us make sense of what we, as a scientist, are doing. - Is a new drug worth the death of hundreds of lab animals? - Is a new treatment morally wrong?

7 II. Why Take a Christian Approach?
B. Distinguishing between 2 opposing worldviews

8 B. Distinguishing between 2 opposing worldviews
Naturalism Biblical Nature is the ultimate reality No supernatural force started or sustains nature God is in control The Bible is God’s Word

9 B. Distinguishing between 2 opposing worldviews
How would each worldview answer the following questions?

10 Where did the world and humans come from?
Naturalism Biblical The world has always existed Humans are the lucky products of evolution Humans are marvelously complex machines Longing for love, happiness, and peace are the result of complex chemical reactions God made all things Humans were created on day six in the image of God Creation Mandate

11 Creation Mandate The charge that God gave to man in Genesis 1:28 to exercise dominion, or stewardship, over the earth.

12 What is wrong with the world?
Naturalism Biblical There is pain and suffering in the world as a result of blind chance There is no ultimate authority as to right and wrong * Right and wrong is determined by what the majority thinks The world is under God’s curse because of Adam’s and Eve’s sin * Disease, suffering, and death are the result of that sin God is the ultimate authority of what is right and wrong Man’s relationship with God is broken

13 What should be done? Naturalism Biblical
Science is the most important tool to help solve the challenges in the world * Science is the naturalist’s “bible” There is no life after death; therefore, focus of the life you are living now God is the only one who can save us from sin Death is not the end! * “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God and he shall be my son.” Rev. 21:7

14 What else can be done? (Biblically)
1. Salvation Science helps redeemed people see the glory of God. 2. Spread the Gospel Science can play a role in spreading the good news.

15 What else can be done? (Biblically)
3. Helping others Science, especially life science, is a powerful tool for helping others, showing God’s love to others, and exercising dominion over the earth.

16 II. Why Take a Christian Approach?
C. Making Sense of the World

17 C. Making Sense of the World
Humans are precious. Love is real. Good and evil exist. The biblical worldview is the one that makes sense of reality.


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