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Progressive Principle & Small Wins

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Presentation on theme: "Progressive Principle & Small Wins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressive Principle & Small Wins
Greg Belluomini

2 What’s the key to igniting creativity, joy, trust, and productivity among your employees?
Recent research has shown that the most important factor is a sense of making progress on meaningful work.

3 The Progress Principle
Teresa Amabile & Steven Kramer

4 Findings They found that of all the events that characterized the best work days, the most prominent was making progress. Furthermore, of all the events that characterized the worst days, the most prominent was setbacks - feeling like they had lost ground on a project they were working on.

5 7 Catalysts for Progress
Setting Clear Goals Allowing Autonomy Providing Resources Giving Enough Time to Finish a Project Offering Help with the Work Learning from Both Problems and Successes Allowing Ideas to Flow 7 Catalysts for Progress

6 A Manager’s View The most common way that managers undermine daily progress is by failing to make decisions in a timely manner or provide clear goals to their employees.

7 Ranking of Motivations
1 Recognition of Good Work 2 Tangible Incentives 3 Interpersonal Support 4 Clear Work Goals 5 Support for Making Progress Ranking of Motivations A Manager’s Perpective

8 A Manager’s View Only 35 of the 669 managers ranked progress as the #1 motivator. Overall, ‘support for progress’ was ranked dead last in the results

9 The Consequences of Shifting Goals
Shifting goals for your employees can drain work of its meaning. When people feel that their hard work will not amount to anything of substance, they feel as if they are wasting their time and that their work isn’t valued.

10 Multiple Choice Which is not one of the 7 Catalysts for Progress
Offering Help with the Work Allowing Autonomy Changing Goals Often Allowing Ideas to Flow Multiple Choice What was found to be the most effective motivator? Tangible Incentives Support for Making Progress Recognition of Good Work Clear Work Goals

11 ◦ How Small Wins Unleash Creativity By Carmen Nobel
◦ The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Excitement, and Creativity at Work By Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer References

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