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2 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN In the late 1800’s people began leaving the farms in rural areas and moving to the cities to work in the factories.

3 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Adults did not accept new agricultural developments being offered by the universities but the youth were open to new ideas and would experiment and share their experiences with adults.

4 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN As a result, people and universities began sponsoring contests. One such contest was put on in the spring of 1882 by Delaware College. A state-wide corn contest for boys was held, in which each boy was to plant a quarter of an acre, according to instructions sent out from the college, and cash prizes, certificates, and subscriptions to the American Agriculturalist were rewarded.

5 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN A. B. Graham, a principal in Illinois, began promoting vocational agriculture in rural schools through, “out-of-school” clubs in 1901. In 1902 he formed a club of boys and girls with officers, projects, meetings, and record requirements. This format is considered to be the beginning of the modern 4-H. The first clubs were known as “The Tomato Club” or “Corn Growing Club”.

6 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Later, in 1902, the club concept was adopted by O.H. Benson and Jessie Field Shambaugh in Iowa and they designed a three leaf clover symbol. Through various programs, working with the USDA, the programs grew and between 1905 and 1914 nearly every state started a club. In 1910 Shambaugh developed the 4 leaf clover with an H on each leaf and by 1912 clubs were known as 4-H clubs.

7 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN The National 4-H Organization was formed in 1914 after the passage of the Smith-Lever Act that formed the Cooperative Extension Service. The first 4-H camp was held in West Virginia. Originally, “Corn Clubs”, campers slept in corn fields in tents and woke up to work in the corn fields almost the entirety of each day.

8 PLEDGE Written in 1918 by Otis E. Hall of Kansas.
Originally it ended with “in my country”. In 1973, “in my world” was added.

9 EMBLEM While the four H’s stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health, what do the colors stand for? The white stands for purity and the green stands for growth.

10 EMBLEM As stated earlier, Oscar Benson was partially credited with coming up with the emblem. As a school superintendent he received seven handpicked clovers as a goodwill gesture after visiting a school.

11 EMBLEM Protected Copyright?
The emblem, protected under federal code 18 U.S.C. 707, has the same protection as the US Presidential Seal Red Cross Emblem Smokey The Bear The Olympic Rings.

12 PROGRAMS While agriculture is still the core of 4-H new programs continue to be added to capture the interests of today’s youth including: Photography Conservation Cooking Public speaking Shooting sports History Art

13 PROGRAMS Together, 4-H agents and volunteers work to extend and apply the program to interested youth. Levels of participation: Cloverbud (5-8) 4-H Collegiate Alumni

14 ALUMNI Some well know alumni: Joe Robbie Orville Redenbacher
David Letterman Julia Roberts Faith Hill Johnny Cash Luke Brian

15 ALUMNI More well know alumni: Al Gore Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Archie Manning Johnny Bench Reggie White

16 ALL STARS While it varies from state to state, many states have an All Star Program In Virginia, members are eligible to apply at age 15 for membership into the All-Stars Organization which promotes the continuation of the 4-H principles.




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