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The 6 Kingdoms of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "The 6 Kingdoms of Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6 Kingdoms of Life

2 Bacteria Kingdoms unicellular prokaryotes heterotrophs and autotrophs
asexual reproduction Fun Facts oldest living organisms on Earth microscopic can live anywhere (even inside you)

3 BACTERIA Archae - Eu – “ancient” “extremophiles” non-pathogenic “true”
common harmful & helpful

4 Protist Kingdom “odds and ends” “left – overs”
unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes heterotrophs and autotrophs (algae) asexual and sexual reproduction Fun Facts live in moist environments classified by how they obtain nutrition & how they move microscopic or VERY LARGE

5 Types of Protists

6 Fungi Kingdom Mushrooms Molds Yeasts Mildews

7 Fungi Kingdom multicellular and unicellular (yeast) eukaryotes
heterotrophs asexual and sexual reproduction Fun Facts prefer moist conditions “double – edge” swords GOOD decomposers fermentation medications food genetic research BAD infections allergies Disease poisonous

8 Plant Kingdom multicellular eukaryotes autotrophs
asexual and sexual reproduction Fun Facts feed almost all of the heterotrophs on Earth can be carnivorous 70,000 species used in medicines an go extinct

9 Animal Kingdom multicellular eukaryotes heterotrophs
sexual and asexual reproduction Fun Facts most diverse group of organisms adapted to find food and digest it found in all environments on earth

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