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Our Classroom Procedures
"It's just the way we do it!" 4th Grade
When entering the classroom in the morning…
Come in quietly, hang up your bookbag, and get out any books, homework, or papers that need to be turned in. Please check in and place your order for lunch. Next, sit down quietly at your desk. Get out any workbooks, notebooks, or homework you need for the morning switch. Finally, immediately begin your morning work. This will be found on the Promethean Board in the front of the room. When the bell rings, you must listen to morning announcements and the Pledge of Allegiance. We will begin promptly at 8:50, so be prepared for instructions to follow.
When entering the classroom at other times of the day…
There are times you will enter the class when you are returning from activities such as, special, band or orchestra, recess, etc. Quietly enter the room. If class is in session, do not disturb the lesson or other students working. Without talking, look around to see what textbooks/binder you need at your desk, get them out of your cubbie, go to your desk, and get any other materials from your desk. Join the class in the current activity.
When going to the restroom…
You may go to the bathroom once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Be sure to go before the morning bell at 8:50. Teachers may or may not break between subjects. You will also have time during lunch, recess, after recess, and before or after your special at the end of the day. You may NOT go to the bathroom during a lesson which means while a teacher is teaching. If you have an EXTREME emergency use the hand sign below to get the teacher’s attention. She/he will nod to you if you can go, or shake her/his head from left to right indicating you may not go at this time. Quietly sign out before you go to the bathroom and sign back in when you return. You may not be gone longer than 5 minutes. Quietly return to your seat. Exceptions to this rule can be discussed one on one with the teacher if there is a medical condition that requires you to have additional access. APPROPRIATE RESTROOM BEHAVIOR IS EXPECTED AT ALL TIMES.
When I need your attention…
There will be several ways to get the attention of the whole class. I will raise my hand, and say, “Boys and girls give me three.” This means STOP, LOOK, & LISTEN. When you see my raised hand, stop what you are doing immediately. Raise your own hand signaling that you are looking at me. When call students up to the carpet, I will ring the bell on my desk only one time. This will signal for you to quietly come up front, sit, and listen for further instructions. To break or end an activity, I will count down from 5… For example… 5,4,3,2,1. When you hear the number one, this means all talking should cease and wait for further instruction. Remember There is no talking ONLY listening.
When putting a heading on a paper…
Using the next available page in the appropriate notebook or on a piece of loose leaf paper: <John Doe> 09/12/16 Subject Homeroom <Lesson 1 Review, pg. 38> (Assignment Name) You must ALWAYS include your full name and date on all homework papers. Do NOT skip pages in any of your notebooks, and use both sides of each page.
When answering questions…
Each of your assigned number is on a craft stick. I will randomly select a stick. Each of you should be prepared to answer the question asked, since you all have an equal chance of being selected. There is no talking, only listening, when someone is answering a question. You may raise your hand and wait your turn if you would like to add to the selected student’s answer.
When you don’t finish your class work…
Unfinished class work becomes homework unless we are reviewing the work in class that day. Remember, unfinished class work counts as a percentage of your grade. Homework will be discussed in more detail later.
When moving to work in groups…
Quietly gather into your group. Groups may or may not be assigned. It will depend on the type of activity to take place. As a group, select a place in the classroom where you can work without being disturbed by another group. You should not be too close to another group, so no one in your group will be distracted. Begin your group work.
When your work is completed, but others are still working…
Do not ask the teacher, “I’m done, what do I do now?” Quietly read at your desk. Work on writing journal activities, cursive skills, and or spelling practice.
When completing tests and quizzes or other papers…
Check your work at least twice before moving on to read or an another activity. All completed tests should have the proper heading at the top and be placed in the IN Box upon completion. Any other papers you must hand in should have the proper heading at the top and be placed in the IN Box upon completion.
When you need to sharpen your pencil or you need a new pencil…
Have 2 sharpened pencils at the beginning of the day. If you need to sharpen your pencil, you may do so any time EXCEPT during a lesson. Remember, quietly, return to your seat without interruption. If you lose your pencil and need another one, quietly get a pencil out of the pencil toolbox on the desk.
When you do not do your homework…
You will receive a “You’ve Been Pink Slipped” form with the missing homework identified. Bring the form home to fill it out with your parents. Both you and your parents must sign the form. Place the completed form in your planner pocket You must return it the next school day. You will be giving your parents a call to let them know you did not do your homework if your Pink Slip is NOT returned the next school day. Your teacher will explain what your consequences will be.
When you are determining voice level…
When I am teaching, there should be no talking, except to answer or ask questions after you have raised your hand and been selected. When answering questions voices should be low (inside voices) at all times. When conferencing with classmates or me, you must use your conference voice (whisper) so no one else gets disturbed. When working in groups, only your group members should be able to hear you. When partner reading, only your partner should be able to hear you. When lining up to leave the room for any reason, there should be no talking. When the principal or another adult enters the room, maintain your current voice level.
When breaking a class or school rule…
For the 1st offense You will be given notice that a class or school rule was broken. Your teacher will explain what your consequence will be if necessary. For the 2nd offense Complete a Student Action Plan form. Bring the form home to be finished and then sign with your parents. Your parents be contacted if your action plan is NOT returned the next day. Your parents and teacher will determine what your consequence will be. For the 3rd offense You will be making a visit to see the principal Your parents will be contacted. Consequences will be determined by the Principal and your parents. SEVERE OFFENSE – Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school, a teacher’s, or other student’s property or is severely will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
When you have a substitute…
All rules and procedures should be followed as normal. As role-model 4th graders, do your best to help the substitute with the classroom routines and procedures. Treat the substitute exactly the same way you would treat any of your regular teachers. If you don’t, you are disrespecting not only the substitute, but your regular teacher, too!
When leaving the classroom during the day…
The teacher will call only students that are ready to line up. Students must push in their chairs, and line up quietly. Once all students are lined up and the line is quiet, we will leave. While in the hallway, there is NO talking and arms and hands are at your side. All students must walk on the right side of the hall in a single file line.
When leaving the classroom at the end of the day…
You will be writing down your homework at the end of each subject. Your teacher excuses the class NOT the bell. Check your planner to make sure you have all the books, workbooks, papers, etc you need for homework. Empty your mailbox and place the papers in your take-home folder. Raise your hand when you are done, so your teacher can check your daily planner. After your daily planner has been checked, pack up your backpack. All students must sit quietly in your own seat while busses are being called. NO ONE should MISS their bus!! There will be a consequence for the class if someone misses their bus or ride home. Any students remaining at 3:40, may get up and sit on the carpet until the last busses are called.
“Special” Procedures These will be introduced on an “as needed” basis.
Fire Drill Library/Computer Lab ALICE Drill Class Trips Special Guests Progress Reports Working Cooperatively Intercom Announcements (when announcements are being made, there is NO talking.) Assemblies 193
My Promise to You! We will have a great year together.
Procedures and Expectations will enhance your learning experience. I will give you my very best everyday and ask the same from you in return. 20
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