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Interim Assessment Training NEISD Testing Services

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1 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019 NEISD Testing Services
October 2018 Interim Assessments NEISD Testing Services NEISD Testing Services 1

2 Interim Assessment Overview
Interim Assessment Training Interim Assessment Overview October 2018 Free, optional online tool for districts and open-enrollment charter schools Provides actionable data to help educators improve instruction Helps predict student performance on STAAR summative Not tied to accountability NEISD campuses can elect to participate in 2 interim assessment windows Testing Services is registering all students in grades 3-12 and it will be a campus and teacher decision whether or not test them NEISD Testing Services

3 Interim Assessment Overview
Interim Assessment Training Interim Assessment Overview October 2018 Offered through the STAAR Online Testing Platform, software that is available in NEISD for online STAAR testing Results are reported in the STAAR Assessment Management System, which will include a new online reporting suite specially designed to provide interim data in an easy-to-use format. CTCs and principals will have access to reports This is not considered a secure assessment and should be used for instructional purposes NEISD Testing Services

4 Interim Assessment Overview
Interim Assessment Training Interim Assessment Overview October 2018 Test questions are developed with Texas teachers and include some former STAAR items. Multiple choice and open-ended “griddable items” (math only) are included. All test questions are fully aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). NEISD Testing Services

5 Interim Assessment Overview
Interim Assessment Training Interim Assessment Overview October 2018 Each assessment is divided into two sections. Based on a student’s responses in Section 1, the system will determine the next test questions the student will be assigned for Section 2. This two-section design allows for a shorter overall assessment. Each section is designed to take approximately one hour to complete. Testing time may vary based on individual students. Each test is shorter than its STAAR summative counterpart. NEISD Testing Services

6 Interim Assessments Overview
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Interim Assessments Overview What is the difference between summative and interim? Summative (STAAR) is an annual test designed to measure the extent to which a student has learned and is able to apply the defined knowledge and skills at each tested grade or course level. Grades 3–8 and EOC Interim testing assesses student skills during intervals to help predict the likelihood of summative outcomes and identify student needs. Select subjects and grades for 3–8 and EOC Helps educators tailor educational practices to address student needs NEISD Testing Services

7 Interim Assessment Grades & Subjects Offered
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Interim Assessment Grades & Subjects Offered Grades and Subjects Offered Grades 3–8 mathematics Grades 3–8 reading Spanish grades 3–5 mathematics Spanish grades 3–5 reading Algebra I, English I, and English II Embedded Supports Offered (for English-language assessments only) Content and Language Supports Text-to-Speech NEISD Testing Services

8 Testing and Grade Level Terms
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Testing and Grade Level Terms NEISD Testing Services

9 Two Testing Opportunities Available
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Two Testing Opportunities Available Opportunities and Attempts Two different assessment administration opportunities available: Opportunity 1 and Opportunity 2 Multiple attempts (reattempts per student) available within each opportunity The system allows up to 10 attempts per test opportunity NEISD Testing Services

10 Deciding What Test Grade Level to Administer
Interim Assessment Training Deciding What Test Grade Level to Administer October 2018 Testing Below Enrolled Grade Testing below a student's enrolled grade may be appropriate for students who are consistently performing below grade-level expectations on classroom assignments and assessments. Allowing a student to test below grade level during both Opportunity 1 and Opportunity 2 may provide the student a chance to show academic improvement that may not be apparent in the student's grade-level summative results. NEISD is registering students in their enrolled grade level, so if students are tested at below or above grade level the student will need to be manually registered in the TAMS system by the CTC. NEISD Testing Services

11 Preparing for Interim Testing
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Preparing for Interim Testing Review general and interim testing resources Register students for interim testing All students enrolled by the end of October will be registered in the system Student enrolled after that date will need to be manually enrolled Students who will test at different grade levels will have to be manually enrolled Locate students and print test tickets Prepare students for testing NEISD Testing Services

12 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
Administration October 2018 Delivered online via the STAAR Online Testing Platform (SOTP) Stop and start at any time Select “Pause” for a brief break Log out for a break longer than 30 minutes Answers saved, not submitted Returned to furthest question in furthest section visited Assessments are untimed NEISD Testing Services

13 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
October 2018 Administration Test tickets used to log in NEISD Testing Services

14 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
October 2018 Administration Use Username, Password, and Session ID for logging in NEISD Testing Services

15 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
Administration October 2018 Students may review answers and return to flagged items in Section 1 before submitting. NEISD Testing Services

16 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
October 2018 Administration After Section 1 submitted, Section 2 appears Opportunity to review answers at the end of Section 2 NEISD Testing Services

17 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
Administration October 2018 Student takes Section 1 (first half of test). Student submits Section 1. Online system assigns appropriate Section 2. Student takes Section 2 (second half of test). Student clicks submit to complete test. NEISD Testing Services

18 Paper-Based (PDF) Testing
Interim Assessment Training Paper-Based (PDF) Testing October 2018 Used when circumstances prevent testing online (e.g., the student has a disability that prevents him or her from interacting with an online assessment). Districts must request permission from TEA for a special paper administration. This request is made by the CTC to the DTC. The DTC will make the request to TEA. To receive permission for the special paper administration, districts must: Submit a request for paper ( Describe the circumstances preventing online testing. Explain how the student accesses technology daily. Explain why testing online is not appropriate. NEISD Testing Services

19 Paper-Based (PDF) Testing
Interim Assessment Training Paper-Based (PDF) Testing October 2018 Requests due to lack of familiarity with online will not be approved. Paper-based test should be rare. Upon approval, a passcode will be provided to access PDF and .ZIP documents. Paper-based testing requires that a teacher or proctor learn about and prepare for paper-based testing, then administer and score the tests and transcribe student responses as though the student were testing online. Reference Section 6 of the Interim User’s Guide. NEISD Testing Services

20 Technology Enhanced Items
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Technology Enhanced Items Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) Some tests include as many as five optional technology enhanced items More engaging content allow for testing higher-order concepts Field testing during 2018–2019 NO effect on interim results Appear at the end of section 2 Various item types Descriptions and examples in Interim Assessments User’s Guide NEISD Testing Services

21 Technology Enhanced Items
Interim Assessment Training October 2018 Technology Enhanced Items An informational panel is displayed before optional TEIs. NEISD Testing Services

22 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
October 2018 Reporting New Online Reporting Suite (ORS) Dynamic, real-time reporting system District, campus, and student level reports accessible by CTC and principal User-friendly graphs and customization Filterable results Probability results (percentages representing the statistical probability of achieving “Approaches”, “Meets” and “Masters” grade level expectations on STAAR) reported in the Assessment Management System NEISD Testing Services

23 Interim Assessment Training 2018-2019
October 2018 Reporting How should districts interpret results? Interim Assessments Results Guide NEISD Testing Services

24 Resources Interim User’s Guide Roles & Permissions Matrix
Student Upload File Format for Interim Testing Interim Data File Format Interim FAQ Interim Results Guide

25 Questions If teachers have questions about the online platform, printing tickets and accessing reports contact your Campus Test Coordinator Campuses should follow the Technology Online Testing Guidelines when issues regarding online issues with ETS occur Testing Services has posted all of the following documents on the Testing Service website under Employee Resources: Interim Assessment FAQ Results Guide Interim Assessment Blueprints

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