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Sint Nicolaas We are going to tell you everything about

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1 Sint Nicolaas We are going to tell you everything about
Sint Nicolaas in this presentation. The chapters: 1. History 2. The children 3. Gifts 4. Songs 5. Made by

2 history Everyone thinks that Sint Nicolaas is coming from Spain. But actually he comes from Turkey and lives in a castle in the Netherlands. He is meant to be someone who gave money to the poor families. The one who wants to get married got some money from him.

3 gifts With Sint Nicolaas the children who have been ”zoet” get things of their wishing list. And they get every night something in their shoe. That can be a small present or some sweet. *zoet means when you have been nice

4 Songs There are many songs about Sint Nicolaas and this is one of them: Sinterklaas kapoentje gooi wat in mijn schoentje gooi wat in mijn laarsje dank u Sinterklaasje.

5 Made by RuBeN VaN DeN BoOgAaRd , SaFiA fArSi AnD LuUk BoErTiEn

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