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Knowledge & Understanding of the world

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1 Knowledge & Understanding of the world
Mathematics Over this half term we will: Understand place value up to one million Use place value to solve problems Be able to recognise and order decimal number to 3dp Be able to add and subtract using a column method Solve calculation mentally and make choices about when to do so. Understand angles. This include their names, how they are measured, drawn and calculated. Measure and calculate area and perimeter of rectangles and compound shapes. Be able to solve a range of problems involving all operations Use reasoning to state opinion Apply our knowledge to solve problems. Literacy In our first term we will be focusing on recognising and using descriptive techniques with poetry as our stimulus. We will be learning how to retell and rewrite our own ‘beat the monster’ style narrative with a focus on effective story openers to engage the reader from the start. Our non-fiction focus will developing the skills to create an explanation text with precise vocabulary. Handwriting will be an important aspect of our learning. We will reviews letter formation, consistency and cursive writing through handwriting lessons and practise. Technology This half term will be using digital cameras to explore the curriculum. We will be taking pictures and using various media to work with the pictures. As part of the learning we will be exploring how different programmes allow us to use images we have taken and we will use the pictures to support our learning in other subjects. Knowledge & Understanding of the world Science: This half term we will be learning about all living things. Pupils will look at the different habitats which we can find in our school grounds and understand how they support life. They will describe the differences in life cycles between mammals, amphibians, insects and birds Understand the life cycle and reproduction of plants. Topic Our topic of ‘The Struggle’ will run over the whole of the Autumn term. We will be looking closely at invaders and settlers and focusing on Anglo-Saxons and Viking culture. We will be looking at the history of these people as well as the struggles which they went through. We will also be exploring how their heritage is still felt within our society today and we will look for their legacy in our local area and surrounding communities. Creativity and design In art this half term we will be looking at paintings and replicas of art based on the time periods of the Anglo Saxons and Viking which we are studying. Children will develop techniques through sketch book activities and produce work for display. Children will create broaches by researching and then designing them. They will be made using both card and clay. Children will work with clay to make various sculptures of Anglo-Saxon artefacts. In design and technology this half term we will be focused on the process of design, creation and evaluation of frame structures. These are the areas we have planned to cover in Year 5 this half term. Year 5 RE Our focus topic this term will introduce Hinduism Children will focus on: One God – different representations Brahman, Brahma. Worship – role of divine images, yoga, meditation, mantra. Famous Hindus – Gandhi – what did he do? PSHE SEAL (New Beginnings): Begin by setting targets Understanding our rights, and those of others. Develop strategies for overcoming barriers to success Develop our growth mindset Strengthen our learning muscles PE and sport Outdoor PE: Year 5 will begin this year by learning how to play basketball. We will be working as a collective to develop our skills, ball control, team work and general understanding of the rules of basketball. Indoor PE will be gymnastics. The theme is flight and balance based on the settlers and invaders theme of our main topic. PE will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Music We will be focusing on rap as a style of music and comparing different songs within this genre. We will be developing our group and individual performance skills. Languages Our French topic this term is ‘My school, your school’ where children will revise greetings and phrases about themselves and learn how to discuss school subjects, give opinions and construct both conversations and written complex sentences. “The Struggle!"

2 Thorn Grove Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers, What an exciting year we have ahead of us! It will be full of challenges, exciting topics, enjoyable events and I am sure that the journey we are going to take is going to be fun. Year 5 is an important year at school. It is a year of hard work and high expectations, developing independence and introducing additional responsibilities. I am looking forward to assisting you and your children on this journey. Let’s begin with a few reminders: Reading is of huge importance. All children should be reading books from school or home and reading regularly for pleasure through our Thorn Grove Passport Challenge. Please make sure that they are taking some time each night to enjoy the world of books. Any discussion you could have with them regarding their reading is much appreciated. Spellings will be handed out weekly and tested the following week on a Tuesday. Homework will be set on a weekly basis. The nature of the homework will vary dependant on what we are trying to achieve. It may be topic or literacy based. Any homework will always have clear instructions and the hand-in date will be in your child’s homework book. My Maths will also be set each week. Anyone with out internet access simply needs to inform school then we can ensure the work is completed in school. Homework will also be set each Tuesday. PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday and a Friday. We will always endeavour to participate in outdoor PE unless the weather conditions are very severe. An appropriate kit will allow us to be prepared for cold or slightly wet weather. If you have any questions please feel free to see contact me to discuss them in person. Miss Brierley Year 5 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School

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