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Biomechanics Laboratory at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (D-02) Prof. Dr. S. Turgut TÜMER (Founding Director) Asst. Prof. Dr. Ergin TÖNÜK (Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomechanics Laboratory at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (D-02) Prof. Dr. S. Turgut TÜMER (Founding Director) Asst. Prof. Dr. Ergin TÖNÜK (Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomechanics Laboratory at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (D-02) Prof. Dr. S. Turgut TÜMER (Founding Director) Asst. Prof. Dr. Ergin TÖNÜK (Laboratory Coordinator) Res. Asst. Behzat B. KENTEL Res. Asst. Cengiz HEYCAN

2 Biomechanics Biomechanics is the application of mechanical principles to living organisms, specifically to human body. Descartes: I suppose that body is nothing else than an earthly statue, that is a machine

3 Biomechanics Motion analysis – normal and pathological Soft tissue (muscle, ligament,etc.) and hard tissue (bone) biomechanics Sport biomechanics Orthosis and prosthesis Modelling – simulation Economy of movement (energetics) Fluid mechanics (blood flow, swimming)

4 Biomechanics Laboratory Gait Analysis Determination of Soft Tissue Mechanical Properties Sport Biomechanics Motion analysis of shoulder complex Loading at the spinal column while lifting/lowering weights

5 Gait Analysis Analysis of the mechanics of human body during walking, stair ascending/descending and obstacle avoidance.

6 Gait Analysis Gait Analysis plays a key role in: Diagnosis of disorders in lower extremity Decision making before operations Evaluation of prosthetic joint replacements Comparison of gait parameters before and after operations Studies in amputees, athletic injuries


8 A Typical Gait Analysis Laboratory Hardware –Multicamera System –Force Plate(s) –Markers –EMG Unit –Calibration Apparatus

9 A Typical Gait Analysis Laboratory Software (locally developed in ME) –Data Acquisition (KISS-DAQ) –Calculation of Gait Parameters (KISS-GAIT)

10 Gait Analysis Laboratory



13 Sport Biomechanics Landing maneuvers of volleyball players Activation strategies of forearm muscles during archery shooting

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