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Measure and Manage Your Social Value in North Wales

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1 Measure and Manage Your Social Value in North Wales
Croeso / Welcome @ValueCymru

What is the purpose of our work? Who do we target? What are the changes to people’s lives that we help to create? How will you know if you are being successful? Would you know how to increase the impacts we have in people’s lives?

3 WHAT IS SOCIAL VALUE? Social value to us means the value/worth of things that change as a result of activities. This includes changes to people’s lives and changes to demand on services. This includes issues such as; Changes to wellbeing; Changes to income; Actual cash savings; Potential cash savings / cost reallocation.




Well-being Legislation Positive and long-term impacts; Integrated impacts of decisions; Involve people that are served; Collaborate to find common solutions; Prevention is key.

8 Social Return on Investment (SROI)
Principles Involve stakeholders Understand what changes Value the things that matter Only include what is material Do not over-claim Be transparent Verify the result

9 Impact Questions 1. What is the problem we are trying to solve?
2. What is the solution to the problem? 3. Who changes as a result of activities? 4. How do they change? 5. How do we measure the changes? 6. How much of each change happened? 7. To what extent caused by our activities? 8. How long will it last? 9. Which changes are important (enough) 10. What is the relative importance of the different changes?

10 Quantitative summary of activities
What to measure? How do we know that what we are doing is effective? Theory-of-change / Chain-of-change Input Financial & non-financial resources required to allow the project to function Output Quantitative summary of activities Outcomes Longer-term intended, or unintended changes experienced as a result of the outputs

11 Example of what to measure
Improved physical and mental health INPUTS Funding from various sources including Ministry of Justice and BCUHB. Reduced demand on health services OUTPUTS 1,994 counselling sessions in the year for. 1,383 hours volunteered. 264 clients received support Improved self -esteem INPUTS Time, professionalism and skills of the Volunteer Counsellors Improved ability to develop relationships with others Reduced demand on social services INPUTS Time, trust and acknowledgment of issue Worsened physical and mental health

12 How to Increase the value of our activities
How do you know which outcomes are the most important to people? What changes would you make to improve a funded service to help improve the physical strength of frail older people ? Outcome Improved physical heath Improved mental health Reduced social isolation Quantity 100 50 Value 20 10 80 Total value 2,000 500 8,000 Can you suggest how to change the service based on this evidence? Ask generally around the first question – how do you know what is most important? DO NOT PRINT THIS SLIDE IN FULL Then reveal example (all results of same organisation) – ask people to say which is most important – I have a feeling they will state mental health because as an outcome it is so important – so the revelation that owing to quantity the most valuable is confidence may challenge their thinking – WE MUST COME BACK TO THIS LATER WHEN THINKING ABOUT DEADWEIGHT ETC. Could ask them what other information is missing to be able to make a better decision? i.e. costs of producing them and what could have happened anyway, role of others, duration of change. DO NOT COVER THESE ISSUES YET THOUGH, AS THEY NEED TO BE EXAMINED AFTER CHAIN OF CHANGE 10,500

13 Measure and Manage your Social Value
Social Value Cymru is working with all the CVCs in North Wales to ensure that the support and expertise will be available locally. 3-year funding from the Big Lottery An opportunity for 5 third sector organisations in every County to measure and manage their social value We will work closely with your Board of Trustees and staff to ensure that social impact analysis helps to make more informed decisions, so you can create even more positive changes in peoples’ lives.

14 Measure and Manage your Social Value
Who can apply Constituted third sector organisations. This includes; Constituted Community groups Registered charities Company Limited by guarantee Community Interest companies Co-operatives Must have a Board of Trustees / Board of Directors Organisations must specify what project, activity or service within their organisation they would like us to analyse. This project / service must be sustainable for the lifetime of the project (until May 2020) Must be able to provide access to their clients / beneficiaries and all data currently collected. You cannot be in receipt of other funding / support for social value management

15 Measure and Manage your Social Value
What will we get We will work with you to measure the social impact of one project, activity or service This will allow you to better demonstrate the impact of your organisation We will work closely with you to use this information to manage your impact We can work with one of your trustees to become a Social Value Champion within your organisation

16 Measure and Manage your Social Value
Next steps Applications will be opening during January 2018 We will start working with the successful applicant from June 2018 If you’d like to receive more information and an application pack then please give us your details today FLVC /AVOW will also inform you through their usual communication channels when the application process opens and the closing dates.

17 Diolch yn fawr Thank you very much

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